picture this carsten hllers slide house project dreams up architecture
2015-05-15 16:38
Belgian artist Carsten Höller, usually known for his experimental and conceptual installations, presents a set of modern architectural photographs titled the 'Slide House Project' at this year's Venice Biennale. Pictured: Central Business District High Rise, Singapore
比利时艺术家卡斯滕·霍勒(Carsten H Ller)曾在德国接受过昆虫学家的培训,他经常接待游客-就像实验室标本一样-给他们提供一种“爱的药物”或在浮选机里放松的选择。在现在的威尼斯双年展上,他有一个稍微不同的转折,然而,…
慢下来的旋转木马提供超现实的骑行,用通常的主题公园的刺激和溢出来换取懒散和庄严。更有趣的是,一个罕见的摄影展,展示了一系列建筑版画和那些著名的艺术幻灯片的鬼魂,他变得如此受欢迎。2006年,他在泰特现代公司的涡轮大厅安装了同样的不锈钢降落伞,曾经让Miuccia Prada从办公室跌落到她的车里。然而,就照片而言,幻灯片是虚构的;在热带环境中,现代主义建筑的版画就像幽灵或思想一样,短暂而持久。图中的建筑物主要是来自阿克拉和金沙萨等非洲城市的纪念碑,其中包括新加坡的高楼。
另一部在威尼斯的电影《2014岁的Fara Fara》描述了两位非洲音乐家和双人之间的声音冲突,这是刚果民主共和国首都金沙萨的一封情书。(2009岁的霍勒传奇的双人俱乐部,他的半刚果,半欧洲的夜生活实验在他的脑海中仍然是新鲜的。他在加纳建造了一个宏伟的海滨别墅。接下来他想在这两位音乐家Werrason和Koffi Olomid之间进行一场重新匹配,这场比赛是在Ali和Foreman著名的《丛林中的隆隆声》中举办的。
Okwui Enwezor, Director of Visual Arts for the 56th art exhibition, selected the previously unseen architectural photographs taken and compiled by Höller over the last 20 years. Pictured here: River Reflective High Rise, Singapore
Höller has drawn slides directly on the prints of the modernist buildings in tropical settings, like ghosts or thoughts; ephemeral yet lasting. Pictured here: National Theatre, Accra No. 3/1
The buildings pictured, including Kinshasa's University here, are mainly monuments from African cities and a few high-rise towers from Singapore
The curious addition of imaginary slides are meant to be a 'wake up call', explains Höller. Pictured here: Independent Monument, Accra No. 3/1
'It's architecture you use to get from one place to another,' says Höller of the slides. 'They're very fast, very safe and not expensive. I would like them to be everywhere'. Pictured here: Limete monument, Kinshasa
A helter-skeltering flume makes for a swift - and thrilling, albeit imaginary - exit at the Grand Hotel in Kinshasa
Pictured here: Cedi House, Accra. Out of principle and methodology, Höller disapproves of explanations attached to his works
The drawings are meant to illustrate something that does not exist, 'science fiction' in the artist's words, in direct contrast to something that does. In this case, the Central Business District Corner House in Singapore
As with the Round Tower of Brazzaville, some of the slide drawings are hard to pinpoint and identify
London's Hayward Gallery is next in line to host an exhibition of the experimental Belgian artist's works . Pictured here: Central Business District Airport Tower House, Singapore
Part of Höller's brilliance is his ability to create art that forces visitors to take part and experience 'an emotional state that is a unique condition somewhere between delight and madness.' Pictured here: Central Business District Windows House, Singapore
keywords:Carsten Höller, Photography, architectural photography, Slide Art, Carsten Höller Slides, Venice Biennale
关键词:Carsten H ller,摄影,建筑摄影,幻灯片艺术,Carsten H ller幻灯片,威尼斯双年展
比利时艺术家卡斯滕·霍勒(Carsten H Ller)曾在德国接受过昆虫学家的培训,他经常接待游客-就像实验室标本一样-给他们提供一种“爱的药物”或在浮选机里放松的选择。在现在的威尼斯.。