2016-08-03 00:00
本案坐落在山景与城景之间,意图透过墙的封闭与门的开阖,创造出不同层次的空间光影与对外景观。三向(玄关,客厅,主卧)环状动线的配置, 使空间铺陈有“游于艺”的乐趣。也让空气与光线得以流通与通透。在每个结点与端景处,配置屋主私藏的艺术品,让生活即艺术结合为一。引室外建筑质材入室内:石,木,铁,玻璃,交映成趣,让内与外一体成型,门与墙不再是阻隔 ,更是视觉与心灵的延展!
Between doors and walls
This apartment is located between city and hills. Intend to create several layers of space lights and shadow and outer views by sealed walls and opened or closed doors.
Divided the space into three areas with circled movement and let air and light could go through smoothly.
At the end of each spaces has personal art collections which make art become a part of daily life and enjoy it.
The use of material, stone, wood, steel and glass blend in with architecture. Doors and walls are not obstacle but the extension of visual and spirite