Furman Hall - KPF
2019-10-12 10:27
Consisting of a master plan and a new building, KPF’s contribution to NYU’s School of Law provides essential new academic and common space for the renowned metropolitan institution.As part of the master planning process, the existing buildings were evaluated to identify programmatic requirement and opportunities to reorganize departments. The new building is a nine-story mixed use facility with lower floors are dedicated to academic and student space, middle floors housing academic administration and Law Clinics, and upper floors providing Law School faculty apartments. The top floor of the building is split between faculty apartments and a large Colloquium Room.In order to cultivate an ‘around the clock’ atmosphere on campus, much of the academic portion of the new building is devoted to continually available student spaces including a double height Forum that connects the two main classroom floors and faces Vanderbilt Hall, six group study rooms for small informal student meetings, and a Café and Study Lounge on the ground floor. The Law School worked with significant stakeholder input to develop a concept for the new building that would respect the concerns of the broader Greenwich Village community.The new building incorporates the reconstruction of two historic facades into its own: that of the Judson House, renovated by McKim Mead and White in 1899 just south of the church, and that of a typical row house from the 1830s located on West 3rd Street and noted for its occupation by Edgar Allan Poe during the early 1840s.