Manuel Cervantes Estudio 慢慢建“筑” 首
2022-08-21 12:31
Manuel Cervantes,一位屡获殊荣的墨西哥设计师,在积累了丰富的设计经验后成立了Manuel Cervantes Estudio。设计团队从墨西哥独特的现代主义中汲取灵感,植入到不同的概念方案之中,目前工作室在全球范围内完成了各种私人住宅,商业和酒店等项目。
Manuel Cervantes, an award-winning Mexican designer, founded Manuel Cervantes Estudio after accumulating a wealth of design experience. The team drew inspiration from Mexicos unique modernism and incorporated it into different conceptual solutions. The studio has completed a variety of private residential, commercial and hotel projects around the world.
建筑与自然的关系是Manuel Cervantes经常思考的主题,并善于将二者进行完美的巧妙融合,使建筑本就存在于场地的自然之中一样。
The relationship between architecture and nature is a theme that Manuel Cervantes has always thought about, and he is adept at making a perfect and ingenious fusion of the two, so that the architecture exists in the nature of the site. For him, space creates a relationship between people and the environment, so he has always been oriented towards landscape architecture, design
ing a series of residential and hotel projects, hoping to evoke the forgotten and cherished memories of co-creation.
Manuel Cervantes曾受到“会说话的建筑”的启发,于是着手建造了自己的工作室和住宅。
当客户到访时,他们就像是进入了Manuel Cervantes Estudio的“领地”一般,可以感受到他们借助设计的方法来体现他们对建筑的看法,进而更好的与客户沟通及深入理解客户的想法,创造出他们独属的定制化的空间。
Cervantes was inspired by talking architecture and set out to build his studio and home. When the c
lient visits, it is like entering the territory of Manuel Cervantes Estudio,
and it is felt that they are using the design method to reflect their vision of the building, so as to better communicate and understand the clients ideas, and create their own customized space.
antes Estudio对建筑材料的选择有着非常严格的要求和标准,同时结合景观和场地等多种因素进行考虑,目的是为了让它们更好的适应于它们所在的环境,而这也是设计团队务实的建筑方法和严谨的工作态度的体现。
During the design process, Manuel Cervantes Estudio had very strict requirements and criteria for the selection of building materials, taking into account various factors such as landscape and site, in order to make them better adapted to their environment, which is a reflection of the pragmatic architectural approach and rigorous working attitude of the design team.
Manuel Cervantes Estudio之所以能
Manuel Cervantes Estudio was able to create design works with humanistic spirit, mainly because they coordinated, integrated and unified functional and artistic works very precisely, which reflected the real feelings of people and also enhanced the ideological state of users or residents. At the same time, it reflects peoples continuous pursuit of aesthetic taste and quality of life.
图片版权 Copyright :Manuel Cervantes Estudio