古鲁奇建筑咨询公司Golucci Interior Architects 知名餐饮空间设计团队。长年专注于餐饮空间设计与创造,在多个设计风格型态上都卓有成就,餐饮空间项目遍及中国与欧洲、美洲、大洋洲各地,作品涵盖了各种型态的餐饮空间。 近年古鲁奇公司获 Interior Design美国室内设计杂志评为中国设计百强企业,更获得各大国际重量级设计大奖如: 德国iF Design Award设计大奖、德国Red Dot红点设计大奖、日本Good Design Award、日本JCD设计大赏、意大利A’ Design Award设计大奖、香港APIDA亚太区室内设计大奖、台湾TID设计大奖。 Golucci Interior Architects brings spaces to life for some of the world’s most iconic hospitality brands and global developers. Tactile, layered, and immersive interiors have established our reputation for masterful storytelling through design, and have made our hospitality and restaurant projects award-winning and time-tested. Awards : iF Design Award、Red Dot、Japan Good Design Award、Japan JCD、 A’ Design Award、Hong Kong APIDA、Taiwan TID.