lexus design event and salone del mobile 2018
2018-04-18 12:45
Sota Ichikawa transforms a dark room into shimmering light installation for Lexus Design Event
雷克萨斯自2005年以来一直参与Sonedel Mobile,投入了大量资源用于一系列日益壮观的安装。从2013年起,该公司推出了雷克萨斯设计奖,这是一项公开的竞赛,扩大了关于设计是什么以及它是为谁而设计的争论。2018年,大卫·阿贾耶爵士(Sir David Adjaye)、爱丽丝·罗斯松(Alice Rawsthon)、Shigeru潘基文(Shigeru潘基文)、宝拉·安东内利(Paola Antonelli)、伯吉特·洛曼(Birgit Lohmann)和雷克萨斯(Lexus)总裁佐藤佳弘(Yoshihiro Sawa)组成的评审团提案既平淡无奇,又典雅,假设和实际,并被削减到12,与四名决赛者指导和原型的发展。
这项活动本身就是一个正在进行的全球重大设计博览会向品牌的冒险游乐场转变的一部分,利用创意、创新和慷慨的营销预算之间的联系。今年,雷克萨斯的空间是由东京的Sota Ichikawa(双倍建筑)所塑造的。位于优雅的博物馆NasoialSeiZiNe TeNoLogiA列奥纳多达文西,Ichikawa和他的团队将一个黑暗的房间变成一个闪闪发光的圣殿,使用一个单一的激光光源和近12000个悬挂的线程创造一个惊人的动态体验。移动的激光捕捉到每一根细线,仔细地把它们放在一起,这样就没有人被遮蔽,照亮了我们头顶上不断变化的风景。
Sota Ichikawa为雷克萨斯设计活动
Limitless Co-Existence at Lexus Design Event
Khoa Vu and Wilson Harkhono proposed this ‘CO-Living’ project for a future residential structure that goes beyond individual households. The project reached the last 12 finalists
Another panel finalist, Nadezhda Abdullina and Marina Egorova of I DEAL are developing ‘Grabby,’ a ‘co-adapting cutting board’ that has an integral vacuum pump to grip objects, allowing people with a variety of special needs to use the kitchen
Another environmentally-driven approach, the VNWALLS GARDEN by Vietnamese studio VNWALLS proposed this futuristic kitchen appliance for the ultimate in culinary self-sufficiency
Designer Eriko Yokoi was mentored by architect Sou Fujimoto during the development of her elegant recycling solution. The textile design postgraduate created the Recycled Fiber Planter (left) as a way of blending waste clothing with immediate environmental benefits, in this case as a container for greening living spaces
Hiroki Furukawa’s Paper Skin creates a structurally dynamic ‘cloth’ from laser cut paper, with limitless potential for furniture and even fashion design. The tactile and physical quality of the end product was intriguing
Malaysian studio aesthetid took their Honest Egg idea through to prototype stage. Paul Yong Rit Fui and Jaihar Jailani Bin Ismail’s idea uses an intelligent ink pigment to illustrate when an egg needs to be eaten before it goes bad. The duo hope to cut down on the global problem of food waste and were mentored by Jessica Walsh of NY studio Sagmeister & Walsh
keywords:Lexus, Technology, Salone del Mobile, Transport, Cars
雷克萨斯自2005年以来一直参与Sonedel Mobile,投入了大量资源用于一系列日益壮观的安装。从2013年起,该公司推出了雷克萨斯设计奖,这是一个开放的竞争,扩大了.