sky high we peek into new yorks madison square park tower
2016-11-15 17:16
This new tower by Madison Square Park in New York is designed by international architecture firm Kohn Pederson Fox. Photography: Evan Joseph
这座由科恩·彼得森·福克斯(Kohn Pedersen Fox,kpf)执掌的高楼,在纽约曼哈顿下城区高楼大厦和中城区之间形成的“山谷”中,从战略位置上可以俯瞰麦迪逊广场公园(Madison Square Park)。
横跨65层的玻璃雕塑计划刚刚展示了它的第一个引人注目的家居内饰,由马丁·布鲁德尼茨基(Martin Brudnizki)、“常春藤”(The Ivy)和“安娜贝尔”(Annabel‘s)(在伦敦)和迈阿密的由设计师谢丽尔·艾森(CherylEisen)提供的第56层公寓已经建成,以突出布鲁德尼茨基的室内装饰以及令人惊叹的景色。
The project is strategically placed in a ‘valley’ formed between the high-rises of Lower Manhattan and Midtown
The 83 residences' interiors are created by Martin Brudnizki and the first photos were released today
At the same time, the furniture was carefully picked so that it doesn't take away from the apartment's dramatic views
Brudnizki took inspiration from the rich heritage of the surrounding Flatiron District, adding contemporary touches
The tower sits on a five-storey rusticated granite base, a material chosen to maintain a strong connection with its context
keywords:Residential architecture, New York architecture, American architecture, Glass architecture
这座由Kohn Pedersen Fox(KPF)组成的纽约“山谷”位于曼哈顿下城区的高楼大厦之间。