gabriel de la mora stages first solo show at londons timothy taylor gallery
2016-03-18 16:42
Mexican artist Gabriel de la Mora scoured the printing presses and flea markets of his native Mexico City, before transforming his ‘finds’ into 11 works that are on show at today at London’s Timothy Taylor Gallery
艺术家加布里埃尔·德拉·莫拉(Gabriel De La Mora)在欧洲的第一次个展中,在他家乡墨西哥城的印刷机和跳蚤市场上搜寻。然后,他把他的“发现”变成了11件作品,今天在伦敦的蒂莫西·泰勒画廊展出。
这些打印机可以追溯到20世纪20年代,在过去,德拉·莫拉收集了鞋子、人发、火柴盒和蛋壳等破旧的鞋底(其中一件以11,640件白色外壳为特色)。所有的东西都是由助手们拼凑而成的,并在他位于墨西哥城的工作室里进行整理。蒂莫西·泰勒(Timothy Taylor)在墨西哥佐纳·马科(Zona Maco)艺术展上第一次见到了德拉·莫拉(De La Mora),他解释说:“加布里埃尔是一位以非凡的方式改造破碎和废弃的艺术家,也是杜尚片”现成“的理念。这些作品既是绘画,也是雕塑,是由收集到的材料制成的,从形式上讲,它们与他作为一名建筑师的工作有关,因此,作为一件物品,它们都是精心制作的。
From a distance, they look like abstract painted canvases but closer inspection reveals them to be collages
Some are made from rubber blankets salvaged from old printers and stained with traces of black, cyan, magenta and yellow ink. Pictured left: MCI / 6 – III f, 2015. Pictured right: PAI / 1728-I f, 2015
Others are made from aluminum plates, salvaged from the same printers and sliced meticulously into graphic segments
Everything is pieced together by assistants and forensically filed away in his studio in Mexico City. Pictured right: CI / 68, 2015
A trained architect, De la Mora works with functional materials that are almost obsolete, ‘at the point where they’re really close to being trash. I like to see them change from being the end of one thing to becoming the beginning of another’
keywords:London, Galleries, Mexico
艺术家加布里埃尔·德拉·莫拉(Gabriel De La Mora)在欧洲的第一次个展中,在他家乡墨西哥城的印刷机和跳蚤市场上搜寻。然后,他把他的“发现”变成了11件作品,今天在伦敦的蒂莫西·泰勒画廊展出。从一个区.。