hauser and wirth zurich salon d hiver
2016-01-07 18:39
For its winter exhibition, Hauser & Wirth Zurich has transformed its second floor gallery into an immersive domestic environment with artworks, editions and books displayed amongst furniture. Courtesy of the artists and Hauser & Wirth
画廊由艺术家组成的马厩制作的壁纸为展览提供了一个灿烂的背景-想想保罗·麦卡锡(Paul McCarthy)挥舞着插头的巧克力圣诞老人,皮皮罗蒂·里斯特(Pipilotti Rist)设计的千变万化的四肢,以及卡洛·奈德(Caro Nieder)设计的充满活力的画廊与一位古董家具商合作提供空间,展示了艺术中的米斯范德罗赫(Mies Van Der Rohe)。
Entitled 'Salon d’Hiver', the show suggests how these art objects and books might reside as part of a private collection. Courtesy of the artists and Hauser & Wirth
Art objects and books by the likes of Dieter Roth, Louise Bourgeois, Martin Creed and Subodh Gupta are peppered throughout the gallery, in a setting conceived to feel like a home. Courtesy of the artists and Hauser & Wirth
'Yard', by Allan Kaprow, 1990. Courtesy of the artists and Hauser & Wirth
'Lieblingsarm (Favourite Arm)', by David Zink Yi, 2009. Courtesy of the artists and Hauser & Wirth
Inspired by the activity of Hauser & Wirth Editions and Hauser & Wirth Publications, this exhibition grew from a desire to showcase the varied activity of the gallery’s two key initiatives. Courtesy of the artists and Hauser & Wirth
Wallpapers created by the gallery’s stable of artists serve as a brilliant backdrop to the exhibition – think Paul McCarthy’s butt plug-wielding, chocolate Santa Clauses. Courtesy of the artists and Hauser & Wirth
Visitors will be rewarded by repeat trips to the Swiss gallery, with new artworks set to regularly be installed throughout the duration of the exhibition. Courtesy of the artists and Hauser & Wirth
The current Christmas incarnation of the space will soon be rehung with a fresh selection of works, to creating an experience akin to a house being redecorated. Courtesy of the artists and Hauser & Wirth
The gallery partnered with an antique furniture dealer to furnish the space. Courtesy of the artists and Hauser & Wirth
'Autumn Wave', by Mary Heilmann, 2012. Courtesy of the artists and Hauser & Wirth
keywords:Martin Creed, Mies van der Rohe, Galleries, Hauser & Wirth, Paul McCarthy, Louise Bourgeois, Switzerland
关键词:Martin Creed,Mies van der Rohe,Galleries,Hause