mana wynwood displays private collections at art basel miami beach
2015-12-04 17:59
Mana Wynwood's vast Miami exhibition space plays host to three gallery-standard private collections for this year's Art Basel. Pictured: 'A Sense of Place: Selections from the Jorge M Pérez Collection' (installation shot), co-curated by Patricia Hanna and Anelys Alvarez-Muños
温伍德现在已经稳固地成为迈阿密的画廊区,而法力当代是它的主播租户。由新泽西州的移动和存储巨头Moishe Mana于2011年创立的玛娜当代艺术公司,正成为美国最具雄心、但却最不受欢迎、难以界定的私人艺术机构之一。
其新泽西基地拥有100万平方英尺的利润和非盈利空间,占地35英亩,包括艺术家工作室;展览空间,包括5万平方英尺的理查德·梅尔设计的魔法玻璃画廊;供严肃收藏家展示和存储艺术的空间;艺术家服务,包括铸造厂;以及理查德·梅尔模型博物馆(Richard Meier Model Museum)和国际摄影中心(International Center Of Photoography)。玛娜计划将这一数字增加一倍,并增加一家剧院和餐厅。它在芝加哥有一个规模较小的分支机构,于2013年开业。
与此同时,位于玛娜·温伍德(Mana Wynwood)的大型活动和展览场地面积仅为6英亩,不过玛娜已在该地区购买了8个街区-占地30英亩-并计划增加更多展览空间和负担得起的艺术家工作室。
这场名为“地方感”的新魔术展包括了佩雷斯最近收购的50多件作品,全部都是来自拉丁美洲的艺术家,还包括胡里奥·勒帕克(Julio Le Parc)、吉列尔莫·库特卡(Guillermo Kuitca)、奥斯卡·穆尼奥斯(Oscar Mu Oz)和洛斯·卡潘@@“一切你都不是我”,一种伴奏节目,汇集了蒂罗切·德利昂收集的作品。虽然佩雷斯展览有一些交叉,但这里的作品也许更有街头艺术的优势。
与此同时,弗雷德里克·魏斯曼在20世纪50年代中期开始收集加利福尼亚的艺术品,而家族经营的基金会继续增加这一收藏。“加州制造”(Made In California)是从基金会1000多部作品中挑选出来的,包括埃德·拉萨(Ed Ruscha)、拉里·贝尔(Larry Bell)和罗伯特·欧文(Robert Irwin)的作品。
The Argentinean collector Jorge M Pérez has already left his mark on Miami. The Herzog & De Meuron-designed Pérez Art Museum Miami, opened in 2013, holds over 100 of his pieces
This exhibition displays 50 works by exclusively Latin-American artists from Pérez' archives
Pictured far right: Summer, by Enrique Martínez Celaya, 2007
Pérez was named one of the most influential Hispanic people in the US by TIME magazine, and is considered a visionary for his contributions to South Florida’s cultural and artistic landscape
The enormous six-acre space is just a drop in the ocean when compared to Mana's future plans – eight surrounding blocks have been purchased, comprising 30 acres
There are additonal plans for more exhibition space and affordable artist studios. Pictured: 'A Sense of Place: Selections from the Jorge M Pérez Collection' (installation view)
The companion show from Tiroche DeLeon's collection, called 'Everything you are I am Not', has more of a street-art edge
Pictured: Banana Market/Art Market, by Paulo Nazareth, 2011. Courtesy the Tiroche DeLeon Collection
Pictured left: Sem Titulo/Untitled, by Os Gêmeos, 2008–2010. Courtesy the Tiroche DeLeon Collection. Right: Morpholoy, by Andy Moses, 2013
Pictured: 'A Sense of Place: Selections from the Jorge M Pérez Collection' (installation view)
Pictured: Please..., by Ed Ruscha, 1985. Courtesy Frederick R Weisman Art Foundation, Los Angeles
Pictured left: Ancient Dogs Barking – Modern Dogs Barking, by Ed Ruscha, 1980. Right: End, by Ed Ruscha, 1983
Pictured right: Nine No. 2 (Magenta and Gold) by Peter Lotado, 2004. Far right: Adelphia, by Charles Christopher Hill, 2014
keywords:Art Basel Miami Beach, Miami exhibitions
温伍德现在已经稳固地成为迈阿密的画廊区,而法力当代是它的主播租户。由移动和存储巨头Moishe Mana于2011年在新泽西成立,玛娜当代正在确立自己作为最雄心勃勃的,如果说.