interactive tour berkshire house olson kundig architects
2015-11-19 12:06
This new holiday retreat in the Berkshires is the latest residential offering by Tom Kundig of Olson Kundig
The house stands on an ecotone - the geographical location where two different ecological systems meet
Kundig designed the house to be elevated, offering a vantage point for the owners to take in the views, but also make it appear protected
The structure poetically marks the point where a forest becomes a meadow and its outdoor areas help create this seamless connection
The main level of the house stands about ten feet above ground
A simple concrete entrance leads to the building's main staircase that leads to the top, central living area, at the heart of the house
Glazing and openings around the main level make for a bright and open interior, fludded with nautral light
The house is thin enough that both prospect and refuge can be experienced in every room
Cranking a metal wheel allows the walls to slide completely open and suspend on cantilevered beams
The same mechanism also appears in the master bedroom at the house's other end...
...which means that both flanks of the house can open almost completely to the environment
keywords:Interactive Floor Plans, USA, Residential architecture, American architecture
坐落在其田园诗般的马萨诸塞景观中,西雅图Tom Kundig建筑师Olson Kundig的这座房子被设计成一个波士顿家庭的度假休养地。它位于一个生态交错带——地理位置,那里有两个不同的…