the herms jaime mon carr pop up london
2010-11-17 17:42
J'aime mon Carré was initially launched as a fanzine - photographer Matt Irwin travelled to Paris, Tokyo, New York and London, working together with stylist Francesca Burns and art director Dean Langley... Photographer: Matt Irwin
这条标志性的爱马仕丝巾并不满足于成为每一个衣柜里的经典奢侈品,它现在也给自己带来了一种街头风格的重塑。在罗谢尔艺术学院(Rochelle School Of Art)东移几天之后,再向西移动到莱德伯里路(J‘aime mon Carré)!“我爱我的围巾!”伦敦的“弹出式”是一个系围巾的大师班,它承诺让今天新一代时尚的孩子们熟练地系好爱马仕的围巾。通过一系列的照片造型会议,访问者有机会在周围玩围巾,并在他们新设计的网站上被拍照。最初是作为一名摄影爱好者,马特·欧文(Matt Irwin)前往巴黎、东京、纽约和伦敦,并与造型师弗朗西斯卡·伯恩斯(Francesca Burns)和艺术总监迪恩·兰利(Dean Langley)合作,记录了来自世界各地的7名女孩和4名男孩戴着爱马仕(Hermès)围巾,享受着爱马仕(Hermès)围巾的乐趣-该项目虽然在伦敦的弹出式头巾上可以买到围巾,但这个想法实际上只是关于围巾的系带。每一座城市都有关于如何庆祝‘J’aime mon Carré!‘运动的自由,所以它真的是充满了乐趣的精神。这里的关键是不加注意的分层,尤其是如果网站上的女孩们有什么可供选择的地方-为什么要停在一条围巾上,因为你可以把两条围巾扔在肩上,或者把四条辫子绑在一起做一条头巾。弹出式还提供了可爱的小“结”卡,说明故障安全装配图,所以以前没有想到的配置,如绑在手腕手镯风格,或制成一个邮袋,现在似乎完全可能。
... to document seven girls and four boys from around the world wearing and enjoying their Hermès scarves Photographer: Matt Irwin
Made entirely from different-sized Hermès boxes, an 'H' for Hermès signals the entrance of the pop-up at the Rochelle School of Art. The videos in the little screens show footage from part of the 'road trip' to New York, Paris, Tokyo and London, which can also be viewed on the website Photographer: Andrew Meredith
Hermès scarf experts help to style and assemble scarves here... Photographer: Andrew Meredith
... while the eclectic mix of mirrors behind provides a space for visitors to view their scarf arrangements. Photographer: Andrew Meredith
Special Projects Director Nick Vinson getting a helping hand with his scarf
One of the scarves we selected to try on to have our photograph taken in
Photographs of the girls and boys featured in the website
A shot from one of the London fanzine scenes Photographer: Matt Irwin
A shot from one of the Tokyo fanzine scenes Photographer: Matt Irwin
Another scarf counter, framed by a canopy of colourful Hermès scarves... Photographer: Andrew Meredith
... and surrounded by a wall of geometrically arranged scarf cubes Photographer: Andrew Meredith
A scarf top and belt Photographer: Matt Irwin