once upon a time in the west venus over manhattan tells the tale of the cowboy in art
2015-05-21 10:58
Venus over Manhattan has opened #Rawhide, an exhibition dedicated to deciphering the role of the all-American cowboy in art. Pictured here is Bob Mizer's 'Untitled (Larry Lamb, Catalog #UH1-FH), Los Angeles, c. 1963', 2015
在纽约金星的墙上,曼哈顿的走廊上,德克萨斯牛仔克拉伦斯·海利·龙(Clarence Hailey Long,Jr.)的风风雨雨,他是最初的万宝路人(Marlboro Man),他闷闷不乐地望着从他的史蒂特森(Stetson)的1949年莱昂纳德·麦康贝(LeonardMcCombe)拍摄的这幅照片,是一幅粗犷的美国男子气概的照片,他嘴里随意地挂着一支香烟,脖子上挂着一条大头针。与此同时,与之形成鲜明对比的是,滑稽的皮维·赫尔曼(Pee-Wee Herman)坐在一旁,笨拙地骑在马背上,登上了1987年的“马上的皮韦·赫尔曼”(Pee-Wee Herman on Horse)。
展览包括列支敦士登、沃霍尔、卡迪·诺兰、埃德·拉萨和理查德·普林斯的作品,仅举几个例子。在展览中,人们通过罗伯特·马普莱索普(Robert Mapplethorpe)给爱德华·S·柯蒂斯(Edward S.Curtis)关于1904年野生风景怀旧的黄金色调照片等作品,对牛仔进行了风格和情感上的探索。通过对这些作品的编录,展览为美国文化树立了一面镜子,反映了国家价值观和欲望的演变。林德曼说,很高兴通过牛仔来思考每个艺术家对美国梦的看法。“我认为,最终可以得出的结论是,牛仔只是一个空容器,可以用我们自己的计划来填满。”
Richard Avedon's 1981 portrait of a Texan cashier, Peggy Daniels, taken as part of his famous 'In the American West' series, next to a self-portrait taken in 1980
The cowboy is explored both stylistically and emotionally in the exhibition, which spans from the 19th century to present day. Edward S. Curtis' nostalgic 1904 photographs of the wild American landscape are of particular note, pictured left
Photographs of Johnny Depp, Pee-Wee Herman and cowboy Clarence Hailey Long, Jr., the original Marlboro Man, adorn the walls (left) next to Peter Saul's 'Daisy Crockett', 1985-2015
'Untitled (Cowboy) (Rearing Horse)' by Richard Prince, 1997-98 (left) and 'Cowboy with Holes, Eating' by Cady Noland, 1990
Black and white prints by Mike Kelley, from his 1989 'Reconstructed History' series (left) and Cindy Sherman's 'Untitled Film Still #43', 1949
Andy Warhol's 'Dennis Hopper Portrait', 1970 (left) and Roy Lichtenstein's acid green and ultramarine 'Face and Feather' of 1979
From left to right: 'The American Indian (Russell Means)' by Andy Warhol, 1976; 'Untitled' by Will Boone, 2015; 'Dry Frontier' by Ed Ruscha, 1987
Pictured right are Robert Mapplethrope's homoerotic 'Boot Fetish' of 1979 and Nate Lowman's 'Alexis', 2005
'Untitled (Cowboy)' by Richard Prince, 2012 (left) and a bronze of the cowboy and vaudeville performer Will Rogers by C.M. Russell, known as 'the cowboy artist'
'Our Flag' by Ed Ruscha, 1987
keywords:venus over manhattan, #rawhide, ed ruscha, richard avedon, andy warhol, robert mapplethorpe, roy lichtenstein, edward s. curtis
在纽约金星的墙上,曼哈顿的走廊上,德克萨斯牛仔克拉伦斯·海利·龙(Clarence Hailey Long,Jr.)的风风雨雨,他是最初的万宝路人(Marlboro Man),他闷闷不乐地望着从他的史蒂特森(Stetson)的随便挂着一支烟.。