light shows and pink feathers how art basel 2015 took over hong kong
2015-03-17 16:32
Art Basel Hong Kong 2015 took over shopping centres across the city, with installations such as Zhu Jishi's 'Boat'. Courtesy of Pearl Lam Gallery
获奖者是公众,他们在整个城市的购物中心享受了一系列世界级的公共设施,其中包括朱金石的“船”(Boat),这是一个复杂的15x3.5x4.2米的沉浸式装置,由10,000张宣纸制作,在交换广场展出。在中环的Landmark购物中心,当地的艺术收藏家和建筑师威廉·林(William Lim)的悬挂式有机玻璃穹顶展出了9件重要的艺术品。价值超过1900万美元,包括中国艺术家曾梵志的一幅令人着迷的肖像,而一套能够更仔细地检查这些作品的望远镜则反映出当代艺术是如何看待的。
在海港的另一边,半岛酒店颠覆了传统,英国雕塑家理查德·威尔逊(RichardWilson)的全尺寸复制品是一辆老式双轴哈林顿军团(Harrington Legionnaire)教练的复制品,在酒店7层露台的边缘摇摇晃晃地摇晃着。安装的标题是“坚持一分钟小伙子…”我有一个好主意,复制了这部标志性电影“意大利工作”的最后一幕。
附近,这个城市最高的建筑-国际商业中心(InternationalCommerce Centre)-展出了中国多媒体艺术家曹飞的“同样古老、崭新”的灯光秀。受上世纪80年代电子游戏的启发,Pac-Man和俄罗斯方块的图片被投射到摩天大楼未来的外观上。一款智能手机应用程序可以让观众边看边听音乐。
这座城市越来越多的艺术画廊也在他们的游戏中展示了来自法国涂鸦艺术家和摄影师JR的作品,他们展示了几件精美的新作品,名为“埃利斯岛的鬼魂”。反映了城市化的步伐,一系列作品包括Shinro Ohtake错综复杂的“时间记忆”拼贴,增红的“阳台”,以及一个微型的米莉中心霓虹灯标志,由M视觉艺术博物馆提供。
在香港岛的对岸,香港最强大的另类艺术机构之一帕拉(Para)在鱼涌开辟了一个更大的新空间,“百年耻辱-反抗之歌和中国民族的情景”。作品包括黄晓鹏的“当哈利遇见莎莉时”(When Harry Met Sallly)灯箱艺术作品和赖昌星(Firenze Li)出奇漂亮的“人形链”(Human Chain)绘画。
然而,在金钟举行的Tod Williams和Billie Tsien设计的亚洲协会(AsiaSociety)是镇上最具影响力的展览之一,在那里,日本艺术家良一郎(Yoshitomo Nara)的“生命只是一种”的绘画、素描、照片和装置回顾展,让人们对这位素以害羞著称的艺术家世界有了迷人的一瞥。
今年还出现了一场新的卫星活动-艺术中心(Art Central),目标是一群年轻的观众,他们的作品包括张斯黛拉(Stella Zhang)为“世界报”(Galerie Du Monde)和中国水墨画家兰正辉(Lan Preghui)的巨幅画作设计的全这座一万平方米的海滨帐篷是由伦敦建筑事务所刚性设计的。
现在阿德琳·奥伊(AdelineOoi)的指导下,回到巴塞尔艺术馆,游客们发现了阿尼什·卡普尔(Anish Kapoor)和格雷森·佩里(Grayson Perry)等热门品牌,他们的“舒适毯”挂毯在首映之夜大卫·兹沃纳画廊展出了杰夫·昆斯的一幅布斯特·基顿(Buster Keaton)的彩色木雕,以及超现实主义画家尼奥·罗赫(Neo Ruch)的几幅神秘画作。
今年,博览会的扩大接触部门受益于墨尔本艺术专家Alexie Glass Kantor的策展,他从14个国家引进了20个大型设备。最值得一提的是,香港的艺术家Joao Vasco派瓦的陵墓,现石树脂5.6-metre高安装无处不在的市场泡沫盒。
在贵宾休息室前,ArtBasel首席合伙人瑞银(UBS)不仅提供了一个舒适的避难所,还展示了杨海格(Haegue Yang)和威尔逊·谢赫(Wilson Shieh)的各种作品,以及大卫·霍克尼(David Hockney)、安迪·沃霍尔(Andy Warhol)、吉尔伯特(Gilbert)和
雕塑的亮点包括年轻的韩国艺术家金明博(Myeongbeom Kim)的引人注目的鹿和保罗·皮维(Paolo Pivi)令人震惊的粉红羽毛北极熊。然而,最终的取悦人群的人却是日本艺术家宫野太郎(Shintaro Miyake),他坐在一张由佐里·柳木(Sori Yanagi)设计的大象凳子上,招待游客观看一场现场壁画表演。
Crafted from 10,000 sheets of Xuan paper, it was presented as an immersive installation in Exchange Square. Courtesy of Pearl Lam Gallery
Cao Fei's light show, 'Same Old, Brand New' projected hearts, lightning bolts and iconic images from 80s video games onto the façade of the International Commerce Centre
'Unframed, Children treated in the Ellis Island hospital' by JR, 2014. © JR-ART.NET Courtesy Galerie Perrotin, Courtesy of National Archives, U.S.A
British sculptor Richard Wilson’s full-sized replica of a vintage twin-axel Harrington Legionnaire coach teetering rather alarmingly on the edge of the Peninsula hotel’s 7th floor terrace
Also on show was 'Balcony' by Zheng Hong, 2009. Courtesy of the artist and Boers-Li Gallery
Duddell's put on a stellar show which included Shiro Ohtake's intricate 'Time Memory', 2013 - a collage of rice paper, wrapping paper and cardboard. Courtesy of the artist and Take, Ninagawa, Tokyo
'Millie's Centre Neon Sign (miniature replica)' was another highlight at Duddell's. Courtesy of M+, West Kowloon Cultural District
Beekeeper-artist Ren Ri's sweet surprises came in the form of intricate maps and sculptures made from honeycomb
'When Harry Met Sally' by Huang Xiaopeng, 2010 was on show at Para Site
Firenze Lai's hauntingly beautiful 'Human Chain', 2014
Yoshitomo Nara's work made up one of the strongest shows in town, at the Asia Society
Gilded simplicity came courtesy of Anish Kapoor at Lisson Gallery Photography: Dave Morgan, Courtesy Lisson Gallery
A detail from Grayson Perry's 'Comfort Blanket' tapestry
Jeff Koons' 1988 wooden portrait of Buster Keaton made up part of David Zwirner's display
As did Neo Rauch's surreal oils, including 'Die Freunde', which was painted earlier this year
Joao Vasco Paiva's was the most noteworthy of the 14 installations curated by Alexei Glass Kantor. Made from Styrofoam boxes, 'Mausoleum' stood a staggering 5.6 metres tall.
Exploring the boundaries between the natural and the artificial was Myeongbeom Kim's striking deer
'Tell me when you're ready' by Paolo Pivi, 2014. Courtesy of Galerie Perrotin
Shintaro Miyake stealing the show - drawing on the wall whilst perching on a Sori Yanagi stool
Pepsi revealed the first of its creative collaborations for their new Pepsi x Liter of Light 'Ignite the Light' Tour which aims to shine a light on communities around the globe that lack electricity. The 'Ao Dress', created by Lady Gaga's fashion designer Nicola Formichetti, is crafted from light and Pepsi PET bottles. Photography: Keith Tsuji/Getty Images for PepsiCo
keywords:art basel, art basel hong kong, art central, adeline ooi