paul mccarthy plays a warped willy wonka at his chocolate factory in the monnaie de paris
2014-10-24 15:45
American artist Paul McCarthy has set up a working chocolate factory inside the Monnaie de Paris. Courtesy of the artist and Hauser & Wirth. Photography: Marc Domage
保罗·麦卡锡(Paul McCarthy)的充气绿色“树”与一个巨大的性玩具有着明显的相似之处-“树”在Vend me这个地方占据了不到48小时的时间,后来一场破坏行为促使它被移走。它仅仅提供了一种体验,看看他为新开张的巴黎电影“莫纳伊·德·巴黎”(MonNaie De Paris)所
这位洛杉矶艺术家的“巧克力工厂”开启了巴黎铸币厂正式重开典礼的序幕,该工厂可追溯到864年,是法国历史最悠久的机构。硬币和奖章继续在18世纪的建筑物内发行,位于塞纳河左岸。从现在到今年1月,麦卡锡全面运营的巧克力工厂-兼设施-意味着这里也将发放可食用的、具有暗示性的圣诞老人和屁股塞树。一旦游客们登上了一条大楼梯,一群新的充气树站着哨兵,鲜明地证明了麦卡锡的决心,他们走进了雅克-丹尼斯·安托万(Jacques-Denis Antoine)1775年建成的八角形镀金接待室。在这里,装配线是作为一个窗口设置起来的,允许游客观察戴着白金假发的工人-几个比oompa loompa不那么恐怖的色调。在这种情况下,即使是普通的鼓击机,缓慢地旋转模具,似乎被一个受干扰的旺卡颠覆,但生产是真实的。截至昨晚,已有超过4500个数字被储存在几个沙龙里,在工业货架上堆满了巧克力滴。如果这一景象不足以刺激,那么气味就会成功;每一次吸气都会散发出浓郁、可辨认的香气。然而,这种甜蜜却被麦卡锡在一本超大的素描簿上狂乱地草草涂鸦的投射所抵消。这些话表明,他是在重播对文多姆雕塑的回应而向他抛出的评论;从声调上说,他每个人都像是“闪耀”中的那个被附身的孩子。那么,如果卡列堡70%的委内瑞拉黑巧克力是麦卡锡的中号,那么他要传达的信息是什么?七年前,这位艺术家在纽约的Maccarone画廊首次在造币厂内部举办了巧克力工厂,但却引发了对大规模制造和精明的决斗力量的更强烈评论。作为第一次一瞥蒙奈的多管齐下的“金属形态”改造项目,它肯定会引起必要的轰动。接下来是:一家盖伊·萨沃伊(Guy Savy)美食餐厅,随后是工作坊参观、新的景观园和一家盖伊·萨沃伊咖啡馆(米其林主演的厨师为麦卡锡提供巧克力和法国巧克力的专业服务)。莫奈文化项目主管恰拉·帕里西(Chiara Parisi)解释了该机构将如何从每年四场当代节目中获益。“参加文化活动很重要
Visitors can observe platinum-wigged factory workers through a windowed set producing chocolates shaped as Santas and butt plugs. Courtesy of the artist and Hauser & Wirth. Photography: Marc Domage
A drummed machine slowly rotates the Callebaut’s 70 percent Venezuelan dark chocolate in moulds. Courtesy of the artist and Hauser & Wirth. Photography: Marc Domage
Left: the assembly line has been erected in the octagonal gilded reception hall completed by Jacques-Denis Antoine in 1775. Right: suggestive chocolate Santa figurines and butt plug trees are stockpiled in several salons. Courtesy of the artist and Hauser & Wirth. Photography: Marc Domage
Lining industrial racks speckled with chocolate drippings, the chocolates can be purchased by visitors as a souvenir. Courtesy of the artist and Hauser & Wirth. Photography: Marc Domage
Left: upon entering the exhibition, visitors are greeted by a cluster of inflatable 'trees' - a nod to the artist's recently removed 'Tree' installation at the Place Vendôme. Right: a large replica of McCarthy's Santa chocolate mould stands sentinel. Courtesy of the artist and Hauser & Wirth. Photography: Marc Domage
The Los Angeles-based artist’s 'Chocolate Factory' inaugurates the official reopening of the Paris Mint. Now through January, the fully operational chocolate factory-cum-installation means that edible, suggestive Santas and butt plug trees will be issued here, too. Courtesy of the artist and Hauser & Wirth. Photography: Marc Domage
Footage of McCarthy scribbling furiously and manically in an oversized sketchbook are projected onto the walls. The words suggest he is replaying the comments hurled at him in response to the Vendôme sculpture; vocally, he sounds out each one. Courtesy of the artist and Hauser & Wirth. Photography: Marc Domage
McCarthy's 'Chocolate Factory' provokes a strong commentary on the dueling forces of mass manufacturing and savoir faire. Courtesy of the artist and Hauser & Wirth. Photography: Marc Domage
keywords:Paul McCarthy, Chocolate Factory, Monnaie de Paris, art, installation
保罗·麦卡锡(Paul McCarthy)的充气绿色“树”与一个巨大的性玩具有着明显的相似之处-在一次破坏行为促使它被移走之前,它在Vend me镇占据了不到48小时的时间-它只提供了一种他所拥有的蜜蜂的味道.