doug aitkens station to station project travels across the us
2013-09-10 16:57
Station to Station is a travelling kinetic sculpture, cultural studio and public art project conceived by the artist Doug Aitken and supported by Levi's. Photography: © Station to Station, Doug Aitken, 2013
莱维的创意方向全球副总裁莱文·佩蒂埃(Len Peltier)回忆道:“我认识道格27年了,因为他为我拍摄了一张伊基·波普(IggyPop)的封面。”三年前,当这个项目出现在我面前的时候,它是一个小的想法,但艾特肯一直在考虑利维的想法。他认为我们是那种与整个火车站概念相连的品牌,有着所有的历史相似之处和遗产,他也喜欢我们与艺术家、音乐家和文化的联系。当时机终于成熟的时候,我们想以更全球化的方式来做这个项目,并把它变成一个更多的文化节日。
在飞机上,文化工作室将展出艺术家装置,包括奥拉弗·埃利亚松(Olafur Eliasson)的一台绘图机,以及其他创作活动。厨师莱夫·亨德尔也将在船上和每一站进行烹饪干预,这是由烹饪偶像爱丽丝·沃特斯策划的。列车配备了录音室和其他工作空间,艺术家和文化人物可以在那里跳跃,看看他们的合作努力会把他们带到哪里。每个互动将被拍摄,编辑和分享站到站的网站,以便每个人都可以分享的经验。
所有门票销售资金将用于支持项目合作机构的非传统编程,包括MoMA PS1、卡内基艺术博物馆和沃克艺术中心等。
Aitken has turned much of the exterior of the train into a light sculpture. As it makes its way across the US, the colours and rhythm of the lights will react to its motion and the surrounding environment
The nine, privately-owned cars of the train date from the 1940s and 50s. They were used on the streamliners of the 1950s and sold off in the 80s
The Hiawatha carriage, where Doug Aitken will be conducting and filming interviews with his fellow travelers
A 1901 Underwood typewriter has been tuned up to connect its users directly to the web. Any messages typed up will be released to the world via Twitter
The train is making nine stops across the country over the course of three weeks. At each stop, it will bring with it a series of travelling yurt sculptures - pictured here in a Beaux-Arts rotunda at the Pittsburgh station - by Carsten Höller, Urs Fischer, Kenneth Anger, Liz Glynn and Ernesto Neto, which will be part of a one-night-only cultural festival that also includes musical performances and video art
Carsten Höller's characteristically playful take on a yurt. Named the 'Ball and Frisbee House', it invites visitors to move around and within it, while throwing foam balls and Frisbees through each of its openings
Kenneth Anger's red yurt consists of a screening area where visitors can sit and watch three of his experimental films: Invocation of my Demon Brother (1969), Lucifer Rising (1970-81) and Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome (1954)
Smoke and mirrors in Urs Fischer's yurt, where a white bed takes pride of place
Station to Station supporter Levi's has also devised a travelling series of yurts aboard the train. The gallery-like spaces will play host to local artists who will be creating new products in real time
Contributing artists include Folk Fibers, Cobra Boots, Chimayo, and Junkyard Jeans
Olaf Breuning's smoke bomb installation was staged as part of the New York City event. The wall of exploding and smoking colours lasts only a few minutes
Music and dance performances are also integral to the one-night festivals. Psychedelic rock band, Ariel's Pink Haunted Graffiti performed at the New York City and Pittsburgh events
Jonah Bokaer choreographed an original dance trio called Airlocks, in honour of the 50th Anniversary of Robert Rauschenberg's performance Pelicans (1963)
Japanese musician Yoshimio in action on stage
keywords:Doug Aitken, station to Station, art