book third life by norbert schoerner
2012-07-05 13:23
'Third Life' is a new monograph by Norber Schoerner. Published by Violette Editions and designed by Micha Weidmann, the book presents unseen work produced by the German photographer over the last seven years
自从“脸”杂志1989年开始他的职业生涯以来,出生在德国的诺伯特·舍尔纳(Norbert Schoerner)就一直在全球范围内飞快地拍摄“时尚”(Vogue)等杂志以及普拉达(Prada)和戈朗斯(Comme Des Gar Ons)等时尚品牌的广告活动。
在他难得的佣金间隔中,舍尔纳也在悄悄地建立起大量的个人作品档案。摄影师有一个神奇的技巧,捕捉非常精确的时刻,从而产生了一系列高度带电的图像。如今,总部位于伦敦的出版商VioletteEditions为我们带来了一本名为“第三人生”(Third Life)的精雕细琢的新专著。
这本书包含了作家汤姆·莫顿和杰夫·考克斯的富有洞察力的文章,有趣的是,这本书的开头似乎是一连串荒谬的文本,最后以一张奇怪的缩略图结尾。文本实际上是Schoerner拍摄的第一张照片,它已经被扫描并从胶片转录成纯信息,而缩略图是原始快照。这是我拍下的第一张照片,然后在当地的化学家那里处理:我父亲在我们的后花园里,读着一本“明镜”(Der Spiegel)。
由伦敦的Micha Weidmann设计,第三生命是优雅的结合,使其脊椎突出一个不寻常的方式。Weidmann说:“我们想从经典的装订书中分离出来,使装帧看起来像一张包含图片的白色平板。”
The opening page is lined with what seems like an endless stream of nonsensical text. It is actually the first picture Schoerner ever took, which has been scanned and transcribed from film into pure information
The picture it represents is of Schoerner's father reading Der Spiegel in their garden
A spread from the book, featuring from left: 'Break from mother' and 'Red leaves whisper'
'Beyond Double Park' and 'If Robert knew'
There are occasional ‘blank’ pages within the book that simply display the page number in the centre. ‘The “blank” pages…might be read as cinematic ellipses, or as digital files that have yet to load,’ says Tom Morton in his introduction to the book
One of the 'blank' pages, and 'Past '80s oasis'
'Her meta game' and 'Blueprint got a power spot'
'Freeform alchemy' and 'Third horse in the wall'
'Resurfaced' and 'Lines, undiscovered for years'
'Similar process, traditional method' and 'Aspirational close-up'
'Forefather's backyard' and 'Repeat encounter'
'The inside of the outside' and 'Looking for here'
'Invitation for strangers' and 'Ansel's method'
'Five steps back' and 'Learning curve'
'Group shot, possibly' and 'We should have been strangers'
The book closes with a thumbnail image of the original snapshot of Schoerner's father - the first picture he ever took
The thumbnail image of Schoerner's father reading 'Der Spiegel' in their back garden
keywords:Design, graphic design, photography, book