no passing fad carlos motta celebrates 40 years of design at espasso ny
2015-09-16 10:01
This week, Brazilian designer Carlos Motta celebrates his atelier's 40th anniversary with a new show at New York City's Espasso gallery. He chose to focus his design practice on sustainability and environmental conservation back in the 1970s and has since become the go-to name for statuesque, unadorned furniture that celebrates the natural quality of its materials. Photography: Elisseu Cavalcante
在设计世界中,使用再生材料常常被认为是过时的时尚,尤其是因为它已经成为时尚酒店、餐馆和酒吧的时尚名片。然而,在这一趋势爆发之前,巴西设计师Carlos Motta在20世纪70年代选择集中在可持续性和环境保护方面的设计实践。Motta开始在冲浪时发现浮木碎片,后来成为了雕像的名字。朴素的家具,庆祝其材料的自然质量。
这11件新作品特别令人兴奋-这位设计师在过去13个月里开发出了一些个人的、近乎梦幻的作品。从一边光滑的人体工学椅子“品达”(Pinda)到旋转的“塞尔吉奥”扶手椅(这是对莫塔的密友、巴西设计偶像塞尔吉奥·罗德里格斯(Sergio Rodrigues)的一种喜爱的致敬),这些作品都是快乐的,解放出来的,并在原产于巴西的光彩照人的再生森林中得到了美丽的实现。
Armed with over 50 furniture pieces, including 11 new creations that will be revealed for the first time, Motta takes stock of the diverse body of work he has produced over the course of his career. Photography: Elisseu Cavalcante
To complement the exhibition, Motta has also transformed Espasso’s gallery space with photographs, sketches, hand-written notes and other ephemera to bring his process to life. Photography: Elisseu Cavalcante
The 11 new pieces are particularly exciting – personal, almost fantastical creations that the designer developed over the last 13 months. Pictured: 'Caranguejeira' coffee table, 2015; reclaimed peroba rosa wood, iron. Photography courtesy of Espasso
'Carcará' table lamp, 2015; reclaimed conduru wood base, amendoim wood shade, oxidised iron, lapidated glass and/or topaz shade details. Photography courtesy of Espasso
'Conduru' low table, 2015; reclaimed conduru wood, oxidised iron. Photography courtesy of Espasso
'Ferrão' dining table, 2015; reclaimed peroba rosa wood, reclaimed aroeira wood, oxidised iron. Photography courtesy of Espasso
'Guará' armchair, 2015; reclaimed peroba rosa wood, iron, leather upholstery. Photography courtesy of Espasso
'Koguma' floor lamp, 2015; reclaimed peroba rosa wood stem, reclaimed mango wood shade, iron, bronze screen. Photography courtesy of Espasso
'Mario de Andrade' sofa, 2014; reclaimed peroba rosa wood, canvas truck tarp upholstery. Photography courtesy of Espasso
'Nave' floor lamp / side table, 2015; reclaimed peroba rosa and amendoim woods, oxidised iron, lamp shade made of re-utilised paper coffee filters. Photography courtesy of Espasso
'Pindá' chair, 2014'; reclaimed perobinha do campo wood. Photography courtesy of Espasso
'Sergio' swivel chair, 2014; reclaimed peroba rosa wood, iron, suede upholstery. Photography courtesy of Espasso
'Tinga' chair, 2015; reclaimed peroba rosa wood, iron, molded laminated wood backrest, leather upholstery. Photography courtesy of Espasso
keywords:Espasso, Art of Craftsmanship, artofcraft