next gen creativity the national art design saturday club expands horizons
2015-08-28 11:45
An initiative to inspire the country's next creative generation, the National Art & Design Saturday Club hosts 14- to 16-year-old students from England, Wales and Northern Ireland, who attend a weekly workshop at their local arts university, as well as a series of visits to galleries and museums. The efforts of their year-long workshop are displayed every June at Somerset house
The past academic year, the network has expanded with the introduction of a Science & Engineering Club, set up in partnership with Kingston University (part of the network since 2013)
Engineering firm Arup hosted the students of the Science & Engineering Club for a day-long masterclass
‘We believe that the Saturday Club model, with its year-long programme of activities and national events, as well as its impact on members' creative and life skills and their ambition and confidence, is a valuable enhancement to the school curriculum,’ explains John Sorrell, whose eponymous foundation is behind the initiative
‘There is often a great emphasis on and support for science, technology, engineering and mathematics education, but these subjects still suffer from low take-up post-16,’ he continues
As part of the programme, the classes are invited to visit studios and practices for a masterclass which allows them to explore creative businesses, as well as test their learnings in a new environment. Here, students experiment during a masterclass with fashion group Pentland
The Clubs were set up as a vehicle for creativity, craft and design, and it has grown from four to 40 clubs since its inception. Pictured: Somerset College's students on a masterclass with architect Michaelis Boyd
Hereford College of Art students working with architect Thomas Randall-Page on a large-scale installation
keywords:The National Arts & Design Saturday Club, Sorrell foundation, National Science & Engineering Saturday Club