design duo formafantasma turns volcanic rock into furniture at the salone del mobile
2014-03-31 14:10
Left: Andrea Trimarchi and Simone Farresin, the duo behind Formafantasma, and a photographic print of the volcanic rock they have used in their latest collection, 'De Natura Fossilium'. Right: The pair's 'Etna' coffee table, made from lavic stone from two different geological eras, connected with brass pieces, produced in collaboration with Carl Auböck in Vienna. Photography: Lonneke van der Palen
Andrea Trimarchi和Simone Farresin,意大利出生,总部位于埃因霍温的设计二人在工作室FaMaMaLasMA后,将改变熔岩的现状与雄心勃勃的新对象集合。题为“De Natura Fossilium”(后鲍尔),目前正在展示画廊Libby Sellers Libby Sellers在宫殿Celi在沙龙德尔移动。
Left: 'Hours' clock, comprising a brass clock hand spinning on a basalt plate filled with three types of lavic sand. Right: 'Filicudi' glass box. The handle is a lavic stone, while pieces of orange Murano glass are added for colour accents. Photography: Lonneke van der Palen
Working exclusively with lava-based materials extracted from both Mount Etna and Stromboli, the duo have spent the last two years studying these active volcanoes to create their unusual 35-piece collection. Photography: Lonneke van der Palen
A photograph of a billowing Mount Etna from their field investigations earlier this year. 'We were fascinated by the way these volcanoes are constantly expelling material', explains Farresin. 'In a way, it's like person mining. But in this case, it's nature mining'
The designers scoured the volcanic landscape over the next few months, filling their sacks with various rocks and hauling the material back to their studio in the Netherlands, before melting the rock in a local metal workshop
'1991' and '1614' stools, made from occhio di pernice basalt, textile, and brass
The duo played with heating and cooling temperatures, adding water, extracting fibres, and grounding dried rock into a powder that was later blown into glass, by handblowers at the Berengo Studio in Murano
'Iddu' obsidian mirror, made from handblown lava rock and brass
'Lipari' bowl, comprising occhio di pernice basalt, lava rock, brass and textiles
The collection has been further developed in collaboration with a number of European experts: from the CNC cutting of basalt in Sicily…
…to the scientific analysis of lavic stones at the Volcanologist Centre of Catania (INGV). Pictured is a microscopic view of lavic rock's geological strata
Formafantasma explored the tensile properties of lavic fibre with two different wall hangings, 'Atena' (left) and 'Efesto' (right). The tapestries combine illustrative references to both the Greek mythological gods of Mount Etna and microscopic images captured by the INGV. 'It's been a really crazy process,' admits Farresin of their broad stretch of collaborators. 'It's kind of a geek project'
The collection is also accompanied by a photographic series by long-time collaborator Luisa Zanzani. Pictured is 'Etnea', 2013-2014
'Etnea', by Luisa Zanzani, 2013-2014
'Etnea', by Luisa Zanzani, 2013-2014
keywords:Formafantasma, Salone del Mobile 2014, design, design duo, Milan preview 2014
关键词:Formafantasma,Sonedel Mobile 2014,设计,DesignDuo,2014年米兰预览