hella jongerius misfit rotterdam
2010-11-16 14:22
'Coloured vases (Series 3)' by Hella Jongerius for Royal Tichelaar Makkum, 2010, on show at her 'Misfit' retrospective at Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen. Photograph by Gerrit Schreurs Fotografie
Hella Jongerius的家具经常被划分为设计要点。但是,无论你喜欢还是讨厌“青蛙”桌子,不可否认的是,它的制作所涉及的艺术性。青蛙桌是用法国胡桃木和蓝色透明搪瓷雕刻而成,是荷兰设计师在鹿特丹博物馆博伊曼斯·范博宁根(BoijmansVan Beuningen)展出的一系列古怪作品之一,其中包括一系列的“办公室宠物”(Office Pets)和一副“狐狸”(Fox)镜子。该剧的名字恰如其分,包括了Jongerius的全部作品,但没有时间顺序,也没有对预备研究和成品进行分级。Jongerius在上世纪90年代初就开始在工业制造过程中引入个性和缺陷,当时她在鹿特丹创建了自己的工作室http:/www.jongeriuslab.com/“Target=”_space“>Jongeriuslab。她一直认为,工艺的质量在完美的产品中是看不见的,只有在背叛制造商手的”不合拍“中才能看到。无论是商业产品还是限量版作品,她的作品中都有一种叛逆的幻想,往往带有诙谐的效果。以她的“办公室宠物”为例,一系列的面料人物-包括一只蜻蜓、一只鸟和一只甲虫-看起来像办公椅的旋转底座。这些作品是为维特拉和后来的加莱丽·克里奥创作的,这些作品将理性的企业世界与童话的叙事世界联系在一起,产生了非凡的效果。而且,与臭名昭著的青蛙桌,装饰两栖动物的作用,中间的用户和产品-一个客人在餐桌上谁也不能忽视。这是一种在设计中展示装饰力量的鲜明的对抗性方式。BoijmansVanBeuningen博物馆也展出了Jongerius为皇家Tichelaar Makkum设计的新系列花瓶。每只花瓶都被Jongerius用作帆布,用经典的矿物釉配方和现代化学配方来进行颜色实验。色彩是她的作品的另一个重要元素,围绕着这个展览来组织。展览中的大部分作品都陈列在墙上,这故意剥夺了它们正常的功能环境。在博物馆里,参观者被当作观察者而不是使用者,这就把焦点放在了每一个设计背后隐藏的意义上。
The final designs are an experiment in colour, for which an existing vase is used as a canvas. Photograph by Gerrit Schreurs Fotografie
Whereas the first two series employed industrial paints, this series uses a combination of historical mineral recipes and modern chemical glaze recipes. Photograph by Gerrit Schreurs Fotografie
'Swatch' table by Hella Jongerius for Galerie Kreo, 2008. Photography by Fabrice Gousset, courtesy of Galerie Kreo
'Frog' table from the 'Natura Design Magistra' collection by Hella Jongerius for Galerie Kreo, 2009. Photography by Fabrice Gousset, courtesy of Galerie Kreo
The 'Frog' table is made from French walnut wood and blue transparent enamel. Photography by Fabrice Gousset, courtesy of Galerie Kreo
'Backpack' sofa and stool by Hella Jongerius for Galerie Kreo, 2007. Photography by Fabrice Gousset, courtesy of Galerie Kreo
Closeup of the 'Backpack' sofa. Photography by Fabrice Gousset, courtesy of Galerie Kreo
'Artificial vases' set from the 'Natura design magistra' collection by Hella Jongerius for Galerie Kreo, 2009. Photography by Fabrice Gousset, courtesy of Galerie Kreo
'Bird' from the 'Office Pet' series by Hella Jongerius for Galerie Kreo, 2007. Photography by Fabrice Gousset, courtesy of Galerie Kreo
'Dragonfly' from the 'Office Pet' series by Hella Jongerius for Galerie Kreo, 2007. Photography by Fabrice Gousset, courtesy of Galerie Kreo
'Beetle' from the 'Office Pet' series by Hella Jongerius for Galerie Kreo, 2007. Photography by Fabrice Gousset, courtesy of Galerie Kreo
'Layers' by Hella Jongerius for Maharam, 2006
'Polder' sofa by Hella Jongerius for Vitra, 2005
'Animal' bowl by Hella Jongerius for Nymphenburg, 2004
'Long neck and groove' bottles by Jongeriuslab, 2000. Photograph by Gerrit Schreurs Fotografie
Hella Jongerius的家具经常被划分为设计要点。但是,无论你喜欢还是讨厌“青蛙”桌子,不可否认的是,它的制作所涉及的艺术性。由法国胡桃木和蓝色透明搪瓷雕刻而成的青蛙.