张震斌 昆仑饭店
2017-02-24 10:08
朔州昆仑饭店 此项目位于山西省朔州市,整体设计时尚且具有丰富的文化语言,开创了火锅餐饮的品牌和客户消费群体。整体空间分为大厅、餐包、卫生间、KTV、前厅、情侣间、豪华餐包,等 现代人的价值观是一个在颠覆中发展的时期,人们的观念在颠覆,消费的观念亦在成熟中颠覆。所以在这次设计中我们要通过另一种美学设计手法再一次颠覆人们的审美价值观。在设计中空间内以超出常规的比例关系的形态来表露意识形态。在材料排布上以非惯性的处理手法来获得人们对新形餐饮空间的认知,在色彩运用上以单体空间的色相统一来刺激人们对空间的色彩印象,在家具的造配上追求戏剧化的高度,奢华夸张的概念。使空间在整体上达到一种戏剧化的舞台效果,让人们游走其中产生一种非常规概念的心理感受,从而感受到空间的美感。 Shuozhou Kunlun Hotel The project is located in Shuozhou City, Shanxi Province, whose overall design is stylish and rich in cultural language, creating a hot pot catering brand and customer groups. The whole space is divided into halls, meal rooms, bathroom, KTV, lobby, couple rooms, luxurious rooms, and so on. The values of modern man is developed in a period of subversion. People's values are subverted and so does their consumption concept. Therefore, in this design we want to subvert the people's aesthetic values once again through another way of aesthetic design. In the design, space goes beyond the conventional proportion to show the designing ideas. Material arrangements are made in a non-inertia approach to make the people have the new knowledge of catering space. In terms of color, we make use of a single color to stimulate the people’s impression on the color of space. Meanwhile, the furniture go with the whole space, achieving a dramatic, exaggerated and luxurious effects, which allow people to enjoy in such a space and have a unconventional feeling. All of these are to make people feel the beauty of space.
餐厅咖啡张震斌 昆仑饭店