2018-05-16 00:00
“Normcore”, with “normal” and “hardcore” as its connotation, rejects showing too much desire, cultivating a simple but high-level aesthetic taste.
我们往往追求一种不刻意的精致,享受这种“less is more”的简单生活。也是在寻觅一种更高的生活境界,能让我们用纯粹的心去面对周遭事物
Sometimes we pursue the spontaneous perfection and enjoy our simple life just as the motto “less is more” goes, during which we are also seeking a higher state of life that enables us to live our life with a pure heart.
本次翡丽湾公寓的软装设计,就深谙“less is more”法则。运用极简的色调和精巧的装饰,介于时尚和美学之间,探索Normcore的视觉呈现形式。
The interior design of FEILIWAN Apartment explores the visual presentation of Normcore between fashion and aesthetics with the minimalist color tone and sophisticated decorations in accordance with the lifestyle “less is more”.
Even with the distinct space color, still no sensory impact would be caused because of the sudden bright but instead, the well-placed coloring highlights the spatial levels and quality.
No need to overly emphasize the large visual points but with the appropriate ornament and in consideration of both flexibility and functionality, such as the delicate geometric lighting, can perfectly create a refreshing atmosphere.
The chic bedside lamp realizes the efficiency of the functional space and create a more outstanding characteristics out of it. The encouraging, mysterious, restrained and suitable metal texture, just like a never outdated masterpiece, brings you the elegant lifestyle effortlessly.
Not the absolute coldness, but the minimalist and comfortable placement.
Takes a bouquet of flowers and a book and leaves all disturbance behind you.
The lively blue geometric wallpaper and the refreshing art installations, maintaining the pure vitality and filling the children’s room with fun and interest.
Living in an era of information explosion, “Normcore” encourages people to abandon the complicated but keep the simple instead, returning to the freedom in your deepest heart and feeling the essence of life.
Only when you feel completely at ease and relaxed in every moment,
home at this time,
is the source of good life.
Project Name: Shanghai YANGO FEILIWAN Apartment
Property Developer: Shanghai YANGO Group
Project Year: 2018
Project Area: 74㎡
Interior Design: Shenzhen INNEST Art Co., Ltd.
设计团队_巢宇 曾广辉 谭婉玲 华夙
Design Team: Yu Chao, Guanghui Zeng, Wanling Tan, Su Hua