矩阵纵横 | 演绎当代美学精髓
2019-01-22 14:54
到处皆有诗境,随时皆有物华。 鸿荣源是一个诞生于、成长于深圳本土的知名地产品牌,设计必须尊崇于鸿荣源品牌属性、考量其地域特性等因素。品牌本身在设计之初就提出作为总部办公空间不希望设计过于炫酷、过于飘浮,希望营造一个厚重而稳健、大气而庄重、具有品质感的地产总部。
The design idea is based on the philosophy of " self-cultivating; family-regulating; state-ordering and respects the traditional culture, spirit, humanities, inheritance and innovation .
The need of organization was the first priority, there is a reasonable arrangement of the movement of the plan . The main road was set up circularly and connected with the branch roads to make sure the whole walking experience was very smooth.
The decorative screen element of chairman office elevator lobby is to extract the elements of water and the ancient elements of the union of copper. Water, symbol of wealth since ancient times. Copper, circular symbol of harmony, wisdom and harmony. In addition, square, symbol of discipline. By using the texture of the material and the contrast between color and light perception, the form of interior space and architectural structure to achieve an elegant balance.
矩阵纵横(matrix design)为2010年新成立的以提供高端设计服务为目的的设计品牌,团队主创人员皆有多年服务于国内知名房产开发商的工作经验,并与客户建立了长期稳定、相互信任、共同发展的合作伙伴关系。也愿意长期与信任我们的新老客户,共同的成长和发展。 无规矩不成方圆,此为矩; 落笔成点,点通过‘矩’布成平面的‘阵’,‘阵’通过‘纵横’发展成为立体。从一点至立体,从一维空间至三维空间,由此,纵横天下;每个矩阵成员都是组成矩阵的每个节点,“以矩为方圆,万物皆成阵”为公司的核心理念。
项目名称 | 鸿荣源总部办公室 Project name | Shenzhen Hongrongyuan Real Estate Head Office 硬装设计 | 矩阵纵横 Interior Design | Matrix design 摄影公司 | 深圳释象万合 Photography | Shen Zhen ShiXiang WanHe 项目性质 | 办公室 Project Nature | Office 设计面积 | 8000㎡ Design Area | 8000㎡ 硬装造价 | 6000元/平方 Hard Decoration Cost | ¥6000/㎡ 主要材料 | 保加利灰大理石、汉白玉大理石、巴黎灰大理石、蓝金沙大理石、进口人造石、鱼肚白大理石、木饰面、艺术玻璃、水晶砖、实心不锈钢机割、进口皮料等 Main Materials | 保加利灰大理石、汉白玉大理石、巴黎灰大理石、蓝金沙大理石、进口人造石、鱼肚白大理石、木饰面、艺术玻璃、水晶砖、实心不锈钢机割、进口皮料等 设计时间 | 2016年08月 Start Time | Jan 2017 完成时间 | 2017年12月 Completion Time | June 2017