EeStairs Headquarters Bronsvoort Blaak Architecten
2018-08-18 01:00
Text description provided by the architects. International staircase manufacturer, EeStairs, has completed the construction of its new headquarters in Barneveld, the Netherlands. Spanning across three floors, the 4800 square metre building has an ‘Outstanding’ BREEAM rating, making it one of the most sustainable production sites in the country.
EeStair为建筑师Bronsvoort Blaak设定的任务是创建一个新的总部,将生产场所与工作空间结合起来,这是“当代的,挑战性的,很酷的”。第二个目标是创建一座建筑,向游客展示公司在设计和生产方面所能取得的成就。
The task set by EeStairs for architects Bronsvoort Blaak, was to create a new headquarters that combined a production site with work spaces, which was ‘contemporary, challenging and cool’. A secondary aim was to create a building that expressed to visitors what the company is able to achieve in terms of design and production.
“对我们来说,这座建筑的特点是优雅与功能主义相遇,从第一天起,我们就想改变人们对参观生产现场的感觉。EeStair是一家极具创意的公司,在其领域表现出色-而新的总部必须反映这一点。“布朗斯沃特·布拉克的Anton Bronsvoort解释说。
“For us, the building’s character is elegance meets functionalism, and from day one we wanted to change how people felt about visiting production sites. EeStairs is a hugely creative company that excels in its field - and the new headquarters had to reflect that,” explains Anton Bronsvoort of Bronsvoort Blaak.
“The building’s giant roof is one of its most impressive features, acting like an umbrella, as we have a lot of rain in the Netherlands! There is an element of storytelling to the roof, too. EeStairs is under one roof – and it’s here that we achieve excellence. Hospitality is important to EeStairs and glass has been used throughout to make guests feel as though the building is somewhere that is open to explore.”
Visitors to the building are greeted by a statement helical staircase at the front of the building that combines with a spiral stair that provides access to the building’s main entrance. The entrance is a large, open space with a curved ceiling and an information desk, created by the team at EeStairs. From this space, guests can enjoy impressive views of the surrounding green areas.
The three key departments in the production space consist of a steel workshop, a finishing area and a wood workshop. All three departments are connected by overhead doors, allowing movement between departments in a logical order as production progresses.
获得“杰出的”BREEAM(世界领先的建筑物可持续性评估方法)评级是EeStair的一个优先事项,也是Bronsvoort Blaak简介的一个组成部分。该建筑的特点是高性能绝缘形式的夹层板,其中包括两个彩色涂层的床单连接到一个核心矿物羊毛,这已经达到了A级的工业评价。此外,该建筑完全没有煤气,太阳能电池板为空间提供了大部分电力。
Achieving an ‘Outstanding’ BREEAM (the world’s leading sustainability assessment method for buildings) rating was a priority for EeStairs and an integral element of Bronsvoort Blaak’s brief. The building features high-performance insulation in the form of sandwich panels that consist of two colour-coated sheets joined to a core of mineral wool, which have achieved A ratings in industry evaluations. In addition, the building is entirely gas-free, with solar panels providing the majority of electrical power for the space.
An intelligent KNX system allows EeStairs to closely monitor energy consumption - and has the ability to deactivate lighting in spaces that aren’t being used, while automated heating and air conditioning ensures optimum working conditions.
EeStairs Creative Director, Cornelis van Vlastuin comments: “We are incredibly proud of our new headquarters - it was important to create a new office and production site where people want to work, and I believe we have achieved that.
“The building expresses just how much we value what we do, how we push boundaries and how we are absolutely committed to delivering the very highest standards across our business.”