Hidden Valley Desert House Wendell Burnette Architects

2018-08-16 09:00
总承包商Verge DesignBuild-Joby Dutton,Mike Alexander结构工程师Rudow Berry,Inc.机械/管道工程师Otterbein工程电气工程师Woodward工程照明设计照明土木工程创新设计SSE室内设计Wendell Burnette建筑设计师客户Kim和KeithMeredith更多规格无规格
General Contractor Verge Design Build – Joby Dutton, Mike Alexander Structural Engineer Rudow + Berry, Inc. Mechanical / Plumbing Engineer Otterbein Engineering Electrical Engineer Woodward Engineering Lighting Design Creative Design in Lighting Civil Engineer SSE Interior Design Wendell Burnette Architects Client Kim and Keith Meredith More Specs Less Specs
 © Bill Timmerman
Text description provided by the architects. The Hidden Valley Desert House is a “long pavilion for living” composed of a canopy hovering above a plinth.
 © Bill Timmerman
The south-facing house is precisely sited in the middle of a saguaro-studded knoll just high enough to obtain distant views south to the west Phoenix Valley floor, the Valley’s mountain ranges to the south / southeast, as well as reverse sunsets on the more proximate Continental Mountain to the east. The threshold to this dominant eastern view is a unique confluence of ecology; a teddy bear cholla field growing out of a prominent outcrop of pinkish-red shale stone which is found running along the entire eastern edge of the site. The geology of this rarefied site condition is extended westward into a simple ground-based plinth at an elevation of 2450 feet roughly following the east to west contours of the site.
 © Bill Timmerman
 Main level

 © Bill Timmerman
悬停在桥墩上方的是一个巨大的遮阳天篷,它体现了作为一个家的这个庇护所必需的寄托。加厚的树冠将收获大部分的能量和一些水,为这个接近净零的房子,以及住房所有的机械设备。膨胀的天篷由分散的质量核心支撑,将玻璃到墙壁的百分比降到最低(分别为35/65%),同时为一系列的室内/室外项目(北、南、东和西)提供集中的视野。桥墩的西端/较低层以厚洞的形式居住,而底柱的主层/顶则向四面八方开放,有时内部和外部没有明显的区别。这个平面作为一个连续的空间生活在一个连续的天篷下,它连接着2000 SF室内编程空间和1000 SF完全编程/完全遮阳的室外空间。
Hovering above the plinth is a large shade canopy that embodies the necessary sustenance for this shelter as a home. The thickened canopy will harvest the majority of the energy and some of the water needed for this close to net zero house, as well as housing all mechanicals. The expansive canopy is supported by a dispersed core of mass forms that minimize glass to wall percentage (35/65% respectively) while framing focused views for a range of indoor/outdoor programs north, south, east, and west. The west end/lower level of the plinth is inhabited as a thick cave, while the main level/top of the plinth is open in all directions and, at times, has no discernible distinctions between inside and outside. This plinth level is lived upon as one contiguous space under one continuous canopy that connects the 2000 SF indoor programmed space with 1000 SF of fully programmed/fully shaded outdoor space.
 © Bill Timmerman
桥墩的实质是由阶梯式局部混凝土砌体墙和整体彩色混凝土桥面/板组成的混合经济结构,按要求制成整体的W/a Verati型灰泥。深磨完成不锈钢天篷筋膜屏蔽光伏太阳能电池板以外,同时反映景观和天空。天篷内部和外部的底部是一个黑色的戏剧织物贴片,创造了一种持续的感觉,深软的阴影,同时微妙地屏蔽传统的钢钉木桁架屋顶结构和黑色织物面R-38声/热绝缘以上。中心和分散的核心是完成了类似的“影子反射面”冷轧精钢厂,ebonated可持续中密度纤维板(Medite),三种不同的深色漆高可持续树脂注入纸(里奇特),以及一个完整的颜色紫黑色瓦比-萨比灰泥w/蛭石。阴影核心与树冠的底部结合在一起,同时容纳了各种各样的较小的程序,这些程序释放了内部、外部和之间的空间。
The materiality of the plinth is a hybrid economic construction of stepped local concrete masonry walls and an integrally colored concrete deck/slab rendered monolithic w/ a Verati-like plaster as required. The deep mill finish stainless steel canopy fascia screens the photovoltaic solar panels beyond while mirroring the landscape and sky. The underside of the canopy inside and outside is a black theatrical fabric scrim that creates a continuous feeling of deep soft shade while subtly screening the conventional gang-nail wood truss roof structure and black-fabric-faced R-38 sound/thermal batt insulation above. The central and dispersed cores are finished w/ similar “shadow reflective finishes” of cold-rolled mill finish steel, ebonized sustainable MDF (Medite), three different dark finishes of highly sustainable resin-infused paper (Richlite), as well as an integral color purple-black Wabi-Sabi stucco w/ vermiculite. The shadow cores meld with the underside of the canopy while housing a diverse range of smaller programs that free up the space within, without and between.
 Iso Diagram
For our clients this house was about purging/simplifying their life and also about an indoor/outdoor house for their Birds, Koi, Rhodesian Ridgebacks and one cat and their very specific way of living.
 © Bill Timmerman
Architects Wendell Burnette Architects
Location Cave Creek, United States
Principal in Charge of Design Wendell Burnette
Project Lead Collaborator Qianyi Ye
Design Team Austin Nikkel, Rebecca Gillogly
Area 2500.0 ft2
Project Year 2018
Photographs Bill Timmerman
Category Houses
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