2018-06-05 06:00

Courtesy of Black Point Design

Eight years in the cooking we now look forward to the next phase, delivering a new piece of London to live, work & play in. - Guy Forrester, Founding Partner at BUJ Architects LLP
Courtesy of Forbes Massie

While the existing buildings are re-purposed as pavilions, restaurants, a cafe, and two art galleries, the new elements will introduce residential accommodation, an industrial working yard, a craft brewery, a casting foundry, and a food quarter. The linear park that runs along the southern boundary of Wickside creates an inviting threshold between the buildings and the canal, drawing people in to become one of several points where community interactions can organically occur. “Carefully knitted into the urban realm,” the scheme also provides excellent access to the nearby Hackney Wick Station for both pedestrians and cyclists, while the green rooftops offer a unique space for playing, pausing, and planting.
Courtesy of Black Point Design

We’re delighted that the project can now move forward and play its part in the regeneration of Hackney Wick. We’ve aimed to create a proper piece of city, closely integrated with the different characteristics of its surroundings, so that Wickside becomes not just one place but many places - Robert Sakula, Founding Partner at Ash Sakula Architects
Courtesy of Black Point Design

The proposal has received universal praise for both its quality and livability. Piers Gough, a member of the planning committee, called it “the best we’ve ever seen,” describing it as quirky, delightful, and beautifully handled. The architect's emphasis on the existing sense of place is part of what makes it so successful. While with the introduction of new ideas to develop the emerging creative community of Wickside speaks of the LLDC’s main goal, “to develop a dynamic new heart for east London, creating opportunities for local people and driving innovation and growth in London.”
Courtesy of Forbes Massie

我真的很自豪能够在伦敦这个“杰出的”新作品的愿景和规划中发挥重要作用。-Frank Green,Buj Architants LLP创始合伙人
I’m really proud to be instrumental in the vision and Masterplanning of this ‘outstanding’ new piece of London. - Frank Green, Founding Partner at BUJ Architects LLP
Courtesy of BUJ Architects + Ash Sakula Architects
由Buj建筑师提供的Ash Sakula建筑师

建筑师AshSakula建筑师,Buj建筑师AshSakula建筑师咨询建筑师材料建筑师Masterplanner Buj建筑师公共领域和景观灰Sakula建筑师商业空间战略Beispiel可视化设计管理局伦敦遗产开发公司2017年新伦敦建筑奖:总计划
Architects Ash Sakula Architects, BUJ architects Architect Ash Sakula Architects Consulting Architect Material Architects Masterplanner BUJ Architects Public Realm and Landscape Ash Sakula Architects Commercial Space Strategy Beispiel Visualisations Black Point Design Planning Authority London Legacy Development Corporation Award 2017 New London Architecture Awards winner: Masterplans & Area Strategies Area 28800.0 m2 Project Year 2018
新闻来源:Buj建筑师和Ash Sakula建筑师
News via: BUJ Architects and Ash Sakula Architects