Mökki Santara House Carla Gertz
2017-12-11 09:00
“芬兰人对自然的亲和力要求平衡日常公寓:夏天的小屋或Mökki。说芬兰人在他们的小屋里过着真实的生活是相当真实的。”-芬兰工艺与设计学会主任塔皮奥·佩里亚·伊宁(Tapio Periäinen)
"The Finnish affinity with nature demands a counterbalance to the everyday apartment: the summer cottage or Mökki. It is quite true to say the Finnish live their real life in their cottage." - Tapio Periäinen, director of the Finnish Society of Crafts and Design
芬兰语“Mökki”指的是湖边的一座小屋-一处安静的静修所,周围只有大自然。没有奢侈,还原为本质的莫̈kki传统上将城市日常生活与乡村与自然紧密联系在一起。与文明相距遥远的赫尔辛基,在长达几个小时的旅程结束时,莫·卡基·桑塔拉(Mökki Santara)座无虚席。这是一个宁静的地方,埋在卡雷利亚的中心,在无尽的森林和湖泊的荒野中。
The Finnish term "Mökki" describes a small cottage by the lake – a quiet retreat surrounded only by nature. Without luxury, reduced to the essential the Mökki traditionally links the urban everyday life to the rural closeness with nature. Far away from civilization at the end of a multi-hour trip from Helsinki lies the Mökki Santara. It is a peaceful place, embedded in the heart of Karelia amidst the endless wilderness of forests and lakes.
Following traditional spatial concepts, the Mökki divides the functions living and cleaning into two separate volumes. Slightly elevated on a connecting platform these volumes open to the southwest, overviewing Lake Santara. The simple, archetypal buildings offer a unique and contemporary interpretation of the Mökki typology. In its closed state, the volumes appear as black, archaic monoliths. The interior contrasts the outward appearance with a light and warm flowing sequence of rooms. White and untreated wooden surfaces divide the kitchen, living and sleeping area into different zones. The exclusive use of regional and sustainable materials emphasizes the site-specific approach. The spruce timber for the Mökki was sourced and dried on location and now provides for the comforting atmosphere, even when it is -30° C outside.
预制的支撑建筑元素,以及窗户,门和内置的家具,使得一个精心调整的工匠团队仅在8周内就完成了Mökki Santara的建造。木框架墙的斜面墙继续在屋顶上,创造了第五个正面与隐藏防水在下面。“无形”的细节,如冲山棚和边缘和屋檐的无缝过渡支持干净,优雅和抽象的形式的Mökki。这种精确的细节反映在内部,因为家具和建筑的融合。这种谨慎而又自然的设计和建造方法的结果是:一个安静的风景的柔和建筑。
The prefabrication of the supporting construction elements, as well as the windows, doors and built-in furniture, made it possible to complete the construction of the Mökki Santara in only 8 weeks by a finely tuned team of craftsmen. The beveled siding of the timber frame walls continues on the roof, creating a fifth facade with hidden waterproofing beneath. “Invisible” details such as flush mount sheds and the seamless transition of verge and eaves support the clean, elegant and abstract form of the Mökki. This precise detailing is reflected on the inside as furniture and construction merge. The result of this cautious yet somehow natural approach to design and construction: a gentle architecture for a quiet scenery.
Location Savitaipale, Finland