2017-12-04 19:00
架构师提供的文本描述。莱茵豪斯是受加拿大生活方式品牌Herschel Supply委托为YO‘Hood开发一个弹出式结构,这是一个零售行业的活动,所有的东西街头服装。
Text description provided by the architects. Linehouse was commissioned by Canadian lifestyle brand Herschel Supply to develop a popup structure for YO’HOOD, a retail trade event of all things street wear.
Drawing from Herschel’s roots in Vancouver, Canada, an urban center surrounded by nature, Linehouse took the notion of the urban forest and the kind of dwelling one might find there. In doing so, they reconsidered the alpine cabin for an urban context, creating a fragmented dwelling.
© Dirk Weiblen

Linehouse created a horizontally stacked timber structure; a void space fills the interior of the assembled wood, in the profile of a house, allowing for visitors to pass through the volume. These timber profiles push and pull, at points of entry, drawing visitors into the space.
© Dirk Weiblen

The horizontal stacking is interlocked with vertical mirror columns. These are placed diagonally throughout the volume. Translucent panels in the form of a half profile house are layered upon the columns, creating mechanisms of display and graphic applications on the interior.

Upon approaching the structure, black metal frames and acrylic enclose areas of display, containing two-tone story panels.
© Dirk Weiblen

© Dirk Weiblen

As one moves around the volume their perspective of the structure shifts from wood to a colour gradient. One side of the timber profile is painted a colour, whilst the other sides remain wood. The colour changes upon each stacked element, in a gradient spanning from blue and green to yellow and orange.
© Dirk Weiblen