Salisbury University Patricia R. Guerrieri Academic Commons Sasaki
2017-07-27 15:00
架构师提供的文本描述。索尔兹伯里大学(Salisbury University)新的帕特里夏·R·盖里(Patricia R.Guerrieri)学术共享区位于校园的核心位置。这座新建筑使大学能够将所有的学术支持项目与一个最先进的图书馆、教室、咖啡厅、400个座位的集合空间以及纳布研究中心(一个专门致力于马里兰州东海岸历史和文化的特别藏书图书馆)结合在一起。大学所有学科的共同点,学术共享充分支持所有的学习和学习模式,从个人思考研究到协作,技术丰富的团体参与。
Text description provided by the architects. Strategically located at the core of the campus, Salisbury University's new Patricia R. Guerrieri Academic Commons significantly transforms how teaching and learning occur on campus. The new building allows the university to bring all of their academic support programs together in combination with a state-of-the-art library, classrooms, cafe, 400-seat assembly space, and the Nabb Research Center—a special collections library dedicated to the history and culture of the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Common ground for all of the university's academic disciplines, the Academic Commons fully supports all modes of study and learning, from individual contemplative study to collaborative, technology-rich group engagement.
The program elements are arrayed around a dramatic four-story learning commons with each floor dedicated to a specific type of learning. The ground floor is devoted to staff-supported collaboration. The second floor contains program elements focused on teaching and learning skills, the third floor is dedicated to individual reflective learning, and the fourth floor, which contains the Nabb Research Center and a 400-seat assembly space, facilitates engagement with original sources and supports learning through public dialogue.
A critical challenge of the project was siting the building. Its location at the historic crossroads on campus required strategies to knit the building into the existing fabric and diminish the impact of its 226,000 square feet. The building also mediates between very different scales and characteristics on campus. To the east the building faces onto Route 13 and the community of Salisbury, requiring a civic expression and a more monumental scale, as the building serves as a gateway and point of arrival for the community. To the west, the building frames Red Square, the iconic student square and gathering space for the university, requiring a much more informal and intimate scale and expression.
Location Salisbury, Maryland, United States
Design/Build Lead Ayers Saint Gross
Photographs Jeremy Bitterman