Southwark Town Hall - Theatre Peckham Jestico + Whiles
2017-05-24 09:00
架构师提供的文本描述。Jestico Whiles于2013年被任命为校友发展项目,负责设计一项新的学生宿舍开发项目,该项目由学生主导,位于Peckham路的前Southwark市政厅。
Text description provided by the architects. Jestico + Whiles was appointed in 2013 to design a new student accommodation-led development of the former Southwark Town Hall on Peckham Road for Alumno Developments.
几年来,南华克市政厅在坎伯韦尔和更广阔的伦敦南部地区发挥了重要作用。Jestico Whiles的计划保留了建筑的特点,旨在将该建筑改造为一个创意艺术中心和社区剧院,作为一座以艺术为基础的混合用途建筑,为金匠学院学生和新剧院Peckham提供住宿。
Southwark Town Hall has played an important role in Camberwell and the wider South London area for several years. Jestico + Whiles’ scheme preserves the character of the building and is aimed at regenerating the site as a creative arts hub and community theatre, serving as a mixed-use arts based building with accommodation for Goldsmiths College students and the new Theatre Peckham.
The student accommodation has 166 rooms, private student gardens and generous common spaces and lounges. It has been designed to support a high level of community usage – including twelve self-contained artists’ studios, an independently managed gallery space and a café, as well as a contemporary sky lounge which provides social space for students and gallery space for artist exhibitions.
The proposals included the demolition and re-provision of Theatre Peckham, a community theatre which has operated for more than two decades and whose alumni includes the actor and new star of the Star Wars franchise, John Boyega.
The original Theatre Peckham was situated within the community hall adjoining the former Southwark Town Hall building. The scheme features a new studio theatre complex comprising a 200- seat auditorium, rehearsal space and dance studios which can be accessed from the new public piazza.
The new facilities allow Theatre Peckham to bring all of its work together under one roof for the first time, and provides space for an array of new classes, performances and events within the local community, in addition to its existing programme of workshops offering affordable performing arts classes to three to 18-year-olds.
Architects Jestico + Whiles
Location London, United Kingdom