2017-05-17 17:03
这是迄今为止纽博最大的佣金,由前OMA建筑师Brigitta Lenz和Alexander Giarlis于2014年创建。
This is the largest commission to date for NEUBAU, founded in 2014 by former OMA architects Brigitta Lenz and Alexander Giarlis.

Brigitta Lenz说:“这个项目是与一个高度积极的团队和一个有远见的客户紧密合作的结果,他们致力于一种以设计为中心的方法,这使得这个行业通常以利润的名义做出巨大牺牲-它为一个具有里程碑意义的地点提供了一个令人兴奋的机会,它将充分发挥其潜力,我们渴望把事情向前推进。”纽博的联合导演。
‘This project is the result of an intense collaboration with a highly-motivated team and a visionary client, whose dedication to a design-focused approach made possible much that this industry usually sacrifices in the name of profit – it presents an exciting opportunity for a landmark site to be developed to its full potential, and we are keen to take things forward,” said Brigitta Lenz, co-director of NEUBAU.
Courtesy of NEUBAU

Courtesy of NEUBAU

Tower Station will contain a total of 28 six-meter-wide apartments, stacked to break down the overall mass of the building and reduce its visual impact from the street. Fully glazed exterior facades will provide residents with views of the surrounding area while flooding each unit with natural light.
Shielded from street noise by the building mass, a pocket garden at the rear of the structure will offer residents a large shared space for planting, including a vertical garden that will climb up the complex’s inner walls. Winter gardens at the each level will offer private open spaces alongside the communal garden, creating “the feeling of a private oasis for residents.”
Courtesy of NEUBAU

联席董事亚历山大·贾利斯(Alexander Giarlis)补充说:“这个项目的设计跨越了许多边界,寻找一种语言,可以克服该社区在一个地标指定地点上的历史仿制建筑-在住宅建筑顶上增加一个时钟,这是该计划不可或缺的一部分,目的是在当地保留对该服务站旧钟楼的重要记忆。”
“The design of this project was a journey across many boundaries and in search for a language that could overcome the neighborhood’s historically pastiche architecture on a landmark designated site – to add a clock atop a residential building was integral to the scheme, and aims to preserve a significant local memory of the service station’s old clock tower,” adds Alexander Giarlis, co-director.
The project is slated for completion in 2019.
News via NEUBAU.
Courtesy of NEUBAU

Courtesy of NEUBAU

建筑师Neubau Location 617 Finchley Road,London NW3 7BS,英国客户县大厦物业规划顾问规划潜在公共事务顾问4通信结构工程师AKT II M
Architects NEUBAU Location 617 Finchley Rd, London NW3 7BS, United Kingdom Client County Tower Properties Planning Consultant Planning Potential Public Affairs Consultant Four Communications Structural Engineer AKT II M&E Consultant DSA Daylight Consultant GIA Landscape Consultants Biotecture, LMNL Transport Consultant i-Transport Air Quality Consultant Phlorum Type of Project Residential / Mixed-use Area 4448.0 m2