Godson Street Edgley Design + Spaced Out
2016-11-04 03:00
结构工程师Hardman结构环境/可持续房屋守则顾问SRE建筑控制批准检查员BBS声学工程师KP声学战略工程师IFC CDM协调员戈达德咨询主要承包商开普建筑制造商装货.多规格少规格
Structural Engineer Hardman Structural Environmental/ Code for Sustainable Homes Consultant SRE Building Control Approved Inspector BBS Acoustic Engineer KP Acoustics Fire Strategy Engineer IFC CDM Coordinator Goddard Consulting Main Contractor Cape Construction Manufacturers Loading... More Specs Less Specs
架构师提供的文本描述。干子街是一个社区合资项目。由杰克·埃德格利(Edgley Design)、克里斯·乔安努(CKS Partneru)和詹姆斯·恩格尔(Spaced Out Architecture)领导的三个合作小组是该空置工地的邻居,并组成了合资伙伴关系,以购买和开发该计划。其目的是创建一个混合用途的建筑,以满足合资伙伴的不同需求,表达利益相关者的个性,同时将这一“差异”整合到一个和谐的总体方案中。
Text description provided by the architects. Godson Street is a Community Joint Venture project. The three partner groups, led by Jake Edgley (director of Edgley Design), Chris Joannou (CKS partnership) and James Engel (director of Spaced Out Architecture) were neighbours of the vacant site, and formed a JV partnership to buy and develop the scheme. The brief was to create a mixed use building which would meet the varying needs of the JV partners, expressing the individuality of stakeholders while bringing this ‘difference’ together in a harmonious overall scheme
The overall concept was to re-imagine the Georgian houses that once occupied the site, with a lightwell to the front and internal stair to one side. A rear lightwell creates a liveable basement. Large glazed windows to the ground floor enliven a once forgotten backstreet. The layout has been inverted, with bedrooms to the lower levels where a more closed relationship to the street does not affect internal amenity. The living spaces are moved to the upper floors, where larger windows can give light and views out without compromising privacy. The living spaces are articulated as a metal clad, sculptural form that has been folded out of the front elevation to create windows and views to the south, maintaining privacy across the street. An angled roof creates north facing rooflights to the second floor. The faceted form of the roof is derived from a rights to light analysis of neighbouring residences. Five mixed use buildings are created, with commercial space to ground and basement and residential apartments above, and a townhouse to the north.
产品描述。高层住宅被认为是动态的,角度的形式,解决周围的邻居和占用人的问题;隐私,俯瞰,日光和光线的权利。锌‘皮’(VM锌)是分裂和刺穿,创造视图和暴露核心的体积,铰接在胶凝材料。-Marley Eternit
Product Description. The upper residential levels are conceived as dynamic, angular forms which address surrounding neighbour and occupier issues; privacy, overlooking, daylight and rights to light. The zinc ‘skin’ (VM Zinc) is split and punctured, creating views out and exposing the core of the volume, articulated in a cementitious material. - Marley Eternit
Architects Edgley Design, Spaced Out
Location London Borough of Islington, United Kingdom
Project Architect Ben Kirk
Executive Architects Edgley Design