Mar Adentro Miguel Angel Aragonés

2016-05-24 12:00
合作者Antonino特立尼达,Ana Aragonés,Fernanda Kurth,Manuel de la O.,Diego Amador,Axel Hernández Structure Engineering JoséNolasco Constructor Jorge Flores,JoséTorres劳工工作负责人Severiano Torres,Roberto Torres智能系统控制4。特殊工程高科技服务厨房三森无盖面积26,454.77平方米,照明较高的阿拉贡,伊卢米利兹。采购产品玻璃和滑动窗口更高阿拉贡és,哈维尔里韦罗外滚筒百叶窗DEKO系统集团(模型系统意大利)衣柜和衣柜政治,室内家具形式外部家具Exteta水系统Swimquip制造商装载.=多规格少规格
Collaborators Antonino Trinidad, Ana Aragonés, Fernanda Kurth, Manuel de la O., Diego Amador, Axel Hernández Structural Engineering José Nolasco Constructor Jorge Flores, José Torres Heads of Labor Work Severiano Torres, Roberto Torres Intelligent System Control 4. Especial Engineering High Tech Services Kitchen San-Son Uncovered Area 26,454.77 sqm Lighting Taller Aragonés, Ilumileds. Glazing and Sliding Windows Taller Aragonés, Javier Rivero External Roller Blinds Deko System Group (Model System Italia) Wardrobes and Closets Poliform, Interior Furniture Poliform Exterior Furniture Exteta Water Systems Swimquip Manufacturers Loading... More Specs Less Specs
 © Joe Fletcher
Text description provided by the architects. The first time I visited this property and took in the desert and the diaphanous, clear water running along a horizontal line in the background, I felt the enormous drive of water under a scorching sun. This piece of land, located in the middle of a coastline dotted with “All Inclusives,” would have to be transformed into a box that contained its own sea –practically its own air– given the happy circumstance that the universe had created a desert joined to the sea along a horizontal line. It was the purest, most minimalist landscape a horizon could have drawn. On either side, this dreamlike scenery collided with what humans consider to be aesthetic and build and baptize as architecture. I wanted to draw my own version, apart from the rest.
 © Joe Fletcher
 © Joe Fletcher
I believe that the greatest virtue of architecture is the generation of sensations through space on a series of planes that are found within the realm of sensitivity. I believe this capacity becomes still greater when your surroundings allow you to meld into them, forming thus part of your own space; in this sense, I wanted to take that horizon and bring it into the foreground. The water is an event that borders the entire project; all of the volumes open up toward the sea and turn their backs on the city, which is all that remains of the original surroundings, burdened by noise. Mar Adentro is a kind of Medina that opens out onto the sea. Each floating volume contains interiors that form, in turn, independent universes. Each room visually contains a piece of the sea; no one can resist gazing out at it.
 © Joe Fletcher
很长一段时间以来,我一直觉得建筑的发展和其他的努力是不一样的:例如,在一百年里,汽车从一辆马车发展到了我们今天所知道的。然而,当我回顾米斯·范德罗(Mies Van Der Roe)的“展馆”时,它在本质上与我们今天在建筑中所看到的非常相似,尽管它可能是通过内积而被打破的。我们看到不必要的复杂,但相对非复杂的结构分散在世界各地。有些有风险的建议构成了我们目前所指的现代或当代全景的一部分,但它们并不是很有进化论。
For a long time, I have felt that construction has failed to evolve on a par with other endeavors: the automobile, for example, in a hundred years went from being a wagon to what we know today. And yet when I look back at the Pavilion by Mies Van Der Roe, it is in essence very similar to what we see today in architecture, albeit transgressed a bit perhaps through involution. We see unnecessarily complicated, but relatively non-complex structures scattered around the world. There are some risky proposals that form part of the current panorama we refer to as modern or contemporary, but they have not been very evolutionary.
 © Joe Fletcher
Each room was built in a factory. Poliform was our ally. We built the entire interior structure and sent it in boxes across the sea to its destination, where it was assembled on site by local hands. In a question of days the first room was ready, of a quality subject to the tyranny of a machine and the wisdom of hands dedicated over the course of a lifetime to construction. There was no room for improvisation, and yet the room was fashioned with intelligence, imagination, and dedication. I learned from those German and Italian manufacturers what we sometimes fail to intuit from schools or books over the course of many years.
 © Joe Fletcher
 Floor Plan

 © Joe Fletcher
Our project can be constructed entirely through this process, employing a module whose versatility allows it to be divided or added onto, thus becoming autonomous or dependent on another structure. Our main module, for example, is a kind of loft divided in half in order to create two rooms, as simple as that. In summary, the module is a two-, three-, or four-bedroom apartment; a house can be formed by adding on two or four more modules. The important thing is the versatility of this structure, one that can be entirely factory-made then raised on site in a friendly manner.
 © Joe Fletcher
Architects Miguel Angel Aragonés
Location San José del Cabo, Baja California Sur, Mexico
Category Apartment Interiors
Architect in Charge Miguel Angel Aragonés
Design Team Miguel Ángel Aragonés, Juan Vidaña, Pedro Amador, Tadeo López, Rafael Aragonés, Alba Ortega.
Area 47082.0 m2
Project Year 2016
Photographs Joe Fletcher
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