AD Classics Neuschwanstein Castle Eduard Riedel
2016-04-07 04:00

Courtesy of Flickr user Vladyslav Artyukhov
Flickr用户Vladyslv Artyukhov提供

The seeds of Ludwig’s dream were sown during his childhood. The young Prince spent his summers in the nearby castle of Hohenschwangau, itself a reconstruction built by his father Maximilian II in the 1830s. Built over medieval ruins discovered by Maximilian during a hunting trip, Hohenschwangau was one of the first Romantic revival castles built in what would eventually become Germany; its combination of English Gothic styling with contemporary conveniences would serve as a formative influence for Ludwig’s own castle just across the valley.[3]
Courtesy of Shutterstock user Oleg Lopatkin

Ludwig was also enamored by mythology and folklore, especially as portrayed through opera. Within a year of taking the Bavarian throne in 1864, the King summoned and became a patron to composer Richard Wagner. Under Ludwig’s reign, music flourished in Bavaria’s capital of Munich.[4] As the new King faced mounting criticism and opposition in Munich, he began to withdraw from the city into the mountains (to Hohenschwangau) and into the legends illustrated so vividly by Wagner’s operas. There, in the fantasies of the past, Ludwig could escape the strife that was his present.[5]
Courtesy of United States Library of Congress

最后一根稻草出现在1866年,当时对普鲁士的军事失败导致路德维希作为国王的权力受到限制。从1867年起,路德维希不再是一位主权统治者,而是为自己建造了一系列宫殿,在这些宫殿里,他可以扮演专制君主的角色。像他的父亲一样,他选择了两个废弃城堡的遗址作为他自己的新宫殿的基地。然而,与他父亲不同的是,他致力于建造一座比霍亨斯旺戈更贴近祖先风格的城堡。受瓦格纳、霍亨施旺戈和中世纪德国城堡的启发,路德维希委托风景优美的画家克里斯蒂安·詹克(Christian Jank)和建筑师爱德华·里德尔(Eduard Riedel)开始建造“新霍亨施旺戈”(New Hohenschwangau)-最终被称为“新霍亨施万斯坦”(Neuschwanstein)。
The final straw came in 1866, when a military defeat against Prussia led to the restriction of Ludwig’s powers as king. No longer a sovereign ruler, Ludwig compensated by building himself a series of palaces in which, from 1867 onwards, he could play autocratic monarch. Like his father, he chose the site of two ruined castles as the base for his own new palace. Unlike his father, however, he was dedicated to creating a castle that hewed more closely to the style of its forebears than Hohenschwangau had. Inspired by Wagner, Hohenschwangau, and the castles of medieval Germany, Ludwig commissioned scenic painter Christian Jank and architect Eduard Riedel to begin construction of “New Hohenschwangau” – what would eventually come to be known as Neuschwanstein.[6]
Neuschwanstein under construction in 1885; the steam crane is visible at the bottom left. Image © Johannes Bernard

Though Riedel initially planned to build up Neuschwanstein from the ruins on the site, it soon became clear that Ludwig’s vision would necessitate demolishing them to clear the way for something of a grander scale. The alpine ridge proved to be an incredibly challenging construction site; a road had to be built to ascend 200 meters to the summit of the mountain, which had to be laboriously flattened into two adjacent plateaus in order to serve as safe foundations for the castle. Subsequent construction made use of one of Germany’s first large steam-powered cranes, which became a highly visible anachronism next to the medieval castle that took form beside it. Industrial techniques would continue to serve the architects and builders as construction proceeded; innovation the only way for them to keep up with Ludwig’s impatient deadlines.[7]
Plans of the first, fourth, and fifth floors. Image Courtesy of Kienberged GmbH

Neuschwanstein, as envisioned by Ludwig and illustrated by Jank, was an idealized Gothic castle. Ludwig’s visit to a contemporary reconstruction of the Wartburg Palace, however, saw the concept shift to a larger Romanesque castle with multiple structures leading to a five-story royal residential building, or palas.[8] When the first foundation stones were laid in September of 1869, Ludwig fully expected to be living in his completed castle within three years. However, it would be four years before he could move into the gatehouse, which was, at that point, the only space ready for habitation.[9] The palas was topped out another seven years later in 1880; Ludwig finally moved into his intended apartments in 1884.[10]
Once the gatehouse and palas were ‘topped off,’ work could proceed on the accessory structures and the lavish interior of the palas itself. The complex, as designed, featured the following spatial elements: a gatehouse, two courtyards, the palas, a Keep with an ornate chapel, a Knights’ House, a Ladies’ House (or “bower”), and a square tower. The structure was to be composed primarily of brick, sitting atop a cement foundation and clad in limestone.[11] The bower and square tower would not be completed until after the King’s death in 1886, and even then only in a simplified form; the 90-meter tall Keep, which would have featured a Gothic chapel at its base to form the heart of the castle, was never realised.[12]
Courtesy of United States Library of Congress

While much of the interior of the palas was never finished, the few rooms that were completed form a vivid image of Ludwig’s ultimate dream for Neuschwanstein. The King’s apartments on the third floor feature an ornately decorated Gothic bedroom, an artificial grotto inspired by a Wagnerian opera, and a winter garden whose panoramic view of the Alps surrounding the castle are sealed in by what were, at three meters tall, the largest window panes ever made at the time.[13]
These windows, which would have been impossible to craft during the medieval period, were not the only contemporary features of the palas: the entire building was equipped with central heating and running water, with the King’s lavatory even featuring an automatic flushing mechanism. An electric bell system allowed Ludwig to summon servants from elsewhere in the castle, while a pair of lifts allowed them to reach him without climbing any stairs. Perhaps the most egregious anachronism, however, was the pair of telephones fitted into the third and fourth floors.[14]
Courtesy of Flickr user Janis

While industrial technologies were primarily employed for ease of construction or as a concession to human comfort, there was one case in which it was necessary for the very structure of the castle. Rising from the third into the fourth floor, the lavishly gilded Byzantine throne room was to be the chief showcase of Ludwig’s divine right as King of Bavaria; every detail, from its profusion of Christian mosaics to its crown-shaped chandelier, was meant to proclaim his role as the intermediary between heaven and Earth.[15]
Courtesy of United States Library of Congress

Although it is not immediately apparent from within the space, the throne room is actually supported by a framework of steel members. Girders form a structural lattice above, supporting the ceiling and the arched apse above the dais, and even the dais itself rests upon iron supports.[16] It is almost poetic that the throne—the element that would have most directly represented Ludwig’s idealized medieval kingship—would have secretly been supported by features of a period in time he had come to despise: his own. The throne room carries an added symbolism, however, in that it was never fitted with the item that would have given it its purpose: the throne itself.[17]
Ludwig’s increasingly tenuous financial and mental state led his government to depose him on the grounds of insanity on June 10, 1886. He was removed from his home at Neuschwanstein two days later to a mental hospital at Berg Castle. The following evening, he and his psychiatrist were both found dead at the shore of Lake Starnberg.[18]
Seven weeks later, the Bavarian government opened Neuschwanstein to the public, turning the late King’s private recluse into a tourist destination which is today visited by 1.4 million people every year.[19] Neuschwanstein has become world-renowned as an icon of the ideal Romantic castle, both in itself and as the main inspiration for Disneyland’s Sleeping Beauty Castle.[20] While Ludwig II was ultimately unable to escape his troubles, his greatest fantasy—his beloved Neuschwanstein—endures.
Courtesy of Flickr user Julian Knutzen

[1]“Neuschwanstein城堡”巴伐利亚宫部。2016年3月26日。http:/宫殿/Objects/neuschw.htm[2]“室内和现代技术”。巴伐利亚宫部。2016年3月26日。http:/[3]Knapp,Gottfried。新天鹅斯坦。伦敦:Axel Menges版,1999年。P7.[4]“巴伐利亚国王路德维希二世”。巴伐利亚宫部。2016年3月26日。http:/[5]Gottfried,第9页。[6]“思想与历史”。巴伐利亚宫部。2016年3月26日。http:/[7]Gottfried,第11页。[8]“纽什万斯坦城堡-历史主义的一个例子。”巴伐利亚宫部。2016年3月26日。http:/[9]EnCyp dia Britannica Online,s。v.“Neuschwanstein城堡”,2016年3月29日,http:/城堡。[10]“思想与历史”[11]“建筑史”。巴伐利亚宫部。2016年3月26日。http:/宫殿/History y.htm[12]desing,Julius。纽斯万斯坦皇家城堡。Lechbruck:KienberdedGmbH,1998年。P9.[13]戈特弗里德,第15-17页。[14]“室内和现代技术”,[15]设计,p16-21。[16]戈特弗里德,第15页。[17]p16。[18]Cowan,Henry J.和Trevor Howells。世界最伟大建筑指南:建筑杰作
[1] "Neuschwanstein Castle." Bavarian Palace Department. Accessed March 26, 2016. [2] "Interior and modern technology." Bavarian Palace Department. Accessed March 26, 2016. [3] Knapp, Gottfried. Neuschwanstein. London: Edition Axel Menges, 1999. p7. [4] "King Ludwig II of Bavaria." Bavarian Palace Department. Accessed March 26, 2016. [5] Gottfried, p9. [6] "Idea and History." Bavarian Palace Department. Accessed March 26, 2016. [7] Gottfried, p11. [8] "Neuschwanstein Castle - an example of Historicism." Bavarian Palace Department. Accessed March 26, 2016. [9] Encyclopædia Britannica Online, s. v. "Neuschwanstein Castle", accessed March 29, 2016, [10] “Idea and History.” [11] "Building History." Bavarian Palace Department. Accessed March 26, 2016. [12] Desing, Julius. The Royal Castle of Neuschwanstein. Lechbruck: Kienberged GmbH, 1998. p9. [13] Gottfried, p15-17. [14] “Interior and modern technology.” [15] Desing, p16-21. [16] Gottfried, p15. [17] Desing, p16. [18] Cowan, Henry J., and Trevor Howells. A Guide to the World's Greatest Buildings: Masterpieces of Architecture & Engineering. San Francisco: Fog City Press, 2000. p79. [19] "Neuschwanstein Today." Bavarian Palace Department. Accessed March 26, 2016. [20] Cowan and Howells, p79.
地址:Neuschwanstein城堡,Neuschwansteinstra e 20,87645 Schwangau,德国巴伐利亚建筑师Eduard Riedel Scenic Painter Christian Jank Project Eduard Riedel Scenic Painter Christian Jank项目年的其他客户
Location Neuschwanstein Castle, Neuschwansteinstraße 20, 87645 Schwangau, Germany Category Other Client King Ludwig II of Bavaria Architect Eduard Riedel Scenic Painter Christian Jank Project Year 1886