Fire Station 76 Hennebery Eddy Architects
2015-12-05 09:00
Text description provided by the architects. In its simplest form, a fire station comprises little more than a dwelling with an oversized garage. At its most complex, it embodies the values of its community and functions as a highly technical machine for emergency response. That understanding, infused with aspects of storytelling and context, inspired our design effort.
Presiding over patterned fields and the Cascade mountains, Fire Station 76 serves a community of family farms and nurseries. The evident beauty of the rural environment suffused with quietly formed agricultural buildings, textured with materials of simplicity and practicality–primarily wood and metal, provided inspiration for the building concept.
The functional focus of the station: fire – an element of both beauty and destruction – guided the treatment of materials. Using reclaimed timber from a nearby barn, the design included charring the wood surface with the traditional Japanese technique, Shou Sugi Ban. In effect, the burn provides protection from rot, decay, and insects, and turns the destructive manner of fire into an image of beauty.
这个车站分为两部分:一个拱形的器具舱,用金属包着,低矮的生活区用木头包裹着。器具湾(Glulam Tudor)拱门由舌头和凹槽雪松桥面拱组成,盖在发动机上方,庆祝它们的强度和精度。在黑暗的木板上,板条被回收和烧焦的壁板上,起居区旋转面向群山,提供庇护,而浅色的金属设备舱则朝向道路,呈现出消防站最明显的特征-引擎,对公众来说。温暖的西方红雪松覆盖的门廊雕刻进入生活区的结构,遮挡外部空间的风,并提供了一个丰富的比较相邻的烧焦木材。雪松继续延伸到建筑内部,围绕着起居区的主要聚集空间,内部与外部混合。日光充满了空间,突出了温暖的木材色调。
The station divides into two masses: a vaulted apparatus bay clad with metal and low-lying living quarters wrapped in wood. The apparatus bay glulam Tudor arches spanned by tongue and groove cedar decking vault over the engines, celebrating their strength and precision. Clad in a dark board and batten reclaimed and charred siding, the living quarters rotates to face the mountains, providing sanctuary, while the lightly-colored metal clad apparatus bay orients towards the road, presenting the most recognizable feature of a fire station–the engines, to the public. Warm Western red cedar clad porches carve into the living quarters structure, sheltering exterior spaces from wind, and providing a rich comparison for the adjacent charred wood. The cedar continues to the building interior, surrounding the primary gathering spaces of the living quarters, blending inside with outside. Daylight fills the spaces, highlighting the warm wood tones.
The station embraces fire, turning it into a feature of protection and beauty; provides a legacy for the rural community, reflecting its context in both massing and materials; and honors engines as technical machines for emergency response.
Architects Hennebery Eddy Architects
Location 30300 SE Dodge Park Blvd, Gresham, OR 97080, USA
Architect in Charge Michelle Vo, AIA
Project Architect Camilla Cok, AIA