Cultural Center in Landvetter Fredblad Arkitekter
2015-10-17 02:00
架构师提供的文本描述。哥德堡的建筑师FredbladArkitekter为位于兰德维特机场附近的H rryda市设计了一个文化中心。这一设计是2012年举行的一次竞赛的结果,该竞赛包括一座包含图书馆、音乐和艺术教育空间以及一个礼堂的混合用途建筑。
Text description provided by the architects. Gothenburg-based architects Fredblad Arkitekter have designed a cultural center for the municipality of Härryda, near Landvetter Airport. The design is the result of a competition held in 2012 for a mixed-use building containing library, educational spaces for music and arts, as well as an auditorium.
“我们希望这座建筑能反映其内容的二重性。一方面,社区图书馆和教育室的日常使用需要务实和有力的空间。另一方面,礼堂举办节日和诱人的眼镜。在设计中,前两层楼和屋顶的体积在形式和材料上都有差异。“-Per Uhlin,建筑师。
“We wanted the building to reflect the duality of its content. On the one hand, the day-to-day use of community library and educational rooms require pragmatic and robust spaces. On the other, the auditorium hosts festive and enticing spectacles. This was represented in the design by a difference in both form and material between the first two floors and the roof volume.” –Per Uhlin, architect.
The building is situated in the town center of Landvetter, across the street from the bus hub and physically connected to an existing gymnasium from the 1970’s. The library stretches along the length of the ground floor façade and connects to the adjacent square. Main entrance from the north leads to a central three-floor atrium with dome skylights, connecting all functions while acting as an indoor square. The centerpiece of this space is a concrete staircase for spontaneous gatherings, while the walls are clad with pine plywood.
Exterior materials range from limestone on the entrance level façade, white render on the second floor, and brass sheets on the top floor and roof. The brass is a special alloy which contains aluminium together with copper and zinc. This ensures the golden color to last through the process of metal oxidation. Floor above level two is covered with sedum grass.
文化中心于2015年1月落成。室内设计由Fredblad Arkitekter制作,并于2015年3月完成。
The Cultural Center was inaugurated in January 2015. Interior design is made by Fredblad Arkitekter and was finished in March 2015.
Architects Fredblad Arkitekter
Location Skansgränd 3, 438 32 Landvetter, Sweden