Las Cigarreras de Alicante Cultural Space Tomás Amat Estudio de Arquitectura
2015-10-13 20:00
架构师提供的文本描述。该建筑是为这座城市而设计的,目的是在该地区创造一个新的会议和通讯空间,已在多家公司和机构的投入下完成,并参照了该空间与地点、自然及其目前用途之间的旧名称。它实际上是一种栖息在花园里的昆虫。项目建筑师保罗·贝尔达(Paul Belda)表示:“我们对自己居住的空间进行了调整。这是一种适应环境的昆虫,这是一个专门为拉斯·西加雷拉斯(LasCigarrrera)设计的项目,它不是一个可以使用的空间。它不是为了建造一家普通的咖啡馆,而是一件与周围文化环境相联系的非凡作品。”
Text description provided by the architects. The construction, which is designed for the city and to create a new meeting and communication space in the area, has been completed with input from multiple companies and institutions and refers to the old name of the space linking it to the place, nature and its current use. It is literally an insect perched on a garden. "We made an adjustment to the space in which we live. An insect adapted to the environment, a project conceived and designed specifically for Las Cigarrreras, which is not a space to use. It was not about making a normal cafe, but an exceptional work that would link with the surrounding cultural environment", says Paul Belda, pro
La Cigarra has the ability to adapt its size to the specific needs and through a telescopic development is able to pass from an interior space of 74 square meters to 127 square meters. Also, the structure consists of three main parts: head, body and tail. Each form is understood autonomously but forming a homogeneous whole. The design process, materiality, geometry, functionality and uses of each of these three parts of the insect address different programs which have shaped it, and the diverse needs of the commission.
The scheme is based on a metal structure that can be seen perfectly in the simulation of the gills. To meet the "head" of the animal Tomás Amat and Pablo Belda have chosen the techno-material Corian® in glacier white that worked by thermoforming and CNC technology, fits perfectly and offers almost infinite possibilities to play with light and its colors. It is in this area of 75 square meters where the technical area of the building is. The kitchen and storage, bar, cold storage and customer service area are not incompatible with the criteria of beauty and func
设施中心反映了La Cigarra的身体,在那里我们设计了一个面积为65平方米的展览和冬季区域。
The facility center reflects the body of La Cigarra, where we have designed a space for exhibition and winter areas in 65 square meters.
最后,这只动物的“尾巴”是由建筑师设计并由艺术家Manolo Garcia建造的一片45米的木头,它把我们带到了蝉生活的地理区域。建筑师们设计了一种织物,一种可以拥抱身体并倒在头上的自由皮肤,使花园空间适应于一个有限度的夏天。
Finally, the "tail" of the animal is a 45 meter piece of wood designed by the architects and built by the artist Manolo Garcia, which brings us to the geographical area in which the cicada lives. The architects have designed a fabric, a free skin that can embrace the body and fall back on the head, adapting the garden space to a bounded place for the summer.
由于托马斯·阿马特建筑工作室(Thomas Amat Architecture Studio)的建筑师帕布罗·贝尔达·托马斯·阿马特(Pablo Belda Thomas Amat)的大胆设计,这座充满创新的建筑使拉斯·西加雷拉斯(LasCigarrera)成为一个开放的文化空间,展现出二十一
Thanks to the bold design of the architects from Thomas Amat Architecture Studio, Pablo Belda + Thomas Amat, this building full of innovation makes Las Cigarreras an cultural space open to originality and the modernity typical of the architecture of the XXI century.
值得一提的是,它的社会和文化利益鼓励了各公司进行经济合作,因此,该项目还宣布其在这一领域的承诺,用数控技术将它们的名字记录在科里安。这个办公室已经能够联合起来,在几年困难的时间内完成这个项目。正如汤姆·阿马特(Tomás Amat)所说,“我们为每个人创造了一个公共空间。在困难时期,我们已经认识到合作的重要性,以及像希斯帕尼塔(Hispanitas)、Fininal或杜邦(DuPont)这样的上市公司的价值,这些公司的预算都是由市政厅或特许公司索雷尔(Sorell)出资完成的。”
It is worth mentioning that its social and cultural interest has encouraged companies to collaborate economically and therefore, the project also proclaims its commitment in this area, recording their names on Corian® with a CNC technique. The office has been able to join forces for the project to be finished in a few difficult years. As Tomás Amat says, "We have achieved a public space, for everyone. In difficult times we have understood the importance of cooperation, the value of what is public, by companies like Hispanitas, Finstral or DuPont, in a budget that has been completed with contributions from the Town Hall or the concessionaire company,
Architects Tomás Amat Estudio de Arquitectura
Location Alicante, Alicante, Spain
Project Architect Pablo Belda, Tomás Amat
Collaborators Alejandro Sánchez, Ángel Sánchez, Pedro A. Muñoz, Javier Campoy