2015-10-09 13:00
© Tamás Bujnovszky
c.Tamás Bujnovszky

架构师提供的文本描述。新的游客和学习中心位于卡利盆地的大门上,展示了该地区的草药,由安德烈斯·克里兹森·德拉(András Krizsán DLA)设计。学习中心的一群脾气好的建筑很好地反映了巴拉顿广场的建筑传统。作者:Dávid Bán,图片作者:Tamás Bujnovszky。
Text description provided by the architects. The new Visitor and Learning Center situated at the gate of the Káli-basin that demonstrates the herbs of the region was designed by András Krizsán DLA. The good-tempered group of buildings of the Learning Center reflects well on the Balaton Upland’s architectural traditions. Written by Dávid Bán, pictures by Tamás Bujnovszky.
Ground Floor Plan

Zánka, which was for long mostly known for its pioneer campgrounds, is a particular town of the Northern shore of Lake Balaton with an exceptionally polarized settlement structure. The old-town that includes the school and the reformed church lies open towards the Káli-basin, and plays a kind of a central role in the region’s life. Ideas were formed years ago to create a Visitor Center beneath the road going towards Köveskál.
© Tamás Bujnovszky
c.Tamás Bujnovszky

卡利盆地之门应该是在安德烈斯·克里赞(András Krizsán)设计的一处私人土地上形成的,他了解该地区的个别建筑传统-他早些时候出版了一本有关周围环境的建筑指南。这个概念当时无法实现,几年后,一座具有类似功能的新建筑诞生了。
The Gate of the Káli-basin was supposed to come into being on a privately owned site, designed by András Krizsán with the knowledge of the region’s individual architectural traditions – he earlier published an architectural guide of the surroundings. The conception could not be realized then, still few years later a new building was born with similar functions.
Basement Floor Plan

在该网站上,Ferenc Takács开始以草药专家的身份运作。随着时间的推移,他们家族拥有的果园生产和加工了越来越多的草药,当时游客中心(Visitor Center)的理念诞生了。在拥有400多种草药的7000平方米花园里,有一个专门的游客和教育中心,提供复杂多样的服务,费伦克·塔克(Ferenc Takács)在这里设想了某种生态中心。
On the site Ferenc Takács started operating as an herb expert. Over time their family owned orchard produced and processed more and more herbs, when the idea of the Visitor Center was born. To the 7000 square meter garden with more then 400 species of herbs a specialized Visitor and Educational Center, offering complex and versatile services, some kind of an ecocenter was imagined here by Ferenc Takács.
© Tamás Bujnovszky
c.Tamás Bujnovszky

知道周围的环境后,他问安德烈斯·克里赞(András Krizsán),他早期的建筑为设计这个非营利性草药中心提供了基础,该中心包括许多家庭规模的功能。
Knowing the surroundings already he asked András Krizsán, whose earlier buildings provided the base to design the non-profit herb center, that includes quite a lot of functions on a family-scale.
© Tamás Bujnovszky
c.Tamás Bujnovszky

On the site, beginning with a steep ramp and continuing in a mild slope, a two-tract house was created, which smoothly fits with its materials and configuration into the architectural traditions of the Balaton Upland. The mood of the ordinary one tract, pediment gable roof houses with tiny openings and white plastering of the region is well reflected by the new Center inaugurated in 2014.
© Tamás Bujnovszky
c.Tamás Bujnovszky

The herb processing manufactory is situated on the basement level, which is also open for the curious visitors, who can glimpse into the small-scale process of drying, distillation and creation of the natural products. In the informational office, which lies on the same level, and is directly accessible from the main road, tourists can get useful information on the car-, bike- or hiking trails going to the Káli-basin.
© Tamás Bujnovszky
c.Tamás Bujnovszky

The offices and the utility rooms of the Herb-valley Center also took place here. In the other tract a small tea-house was built, in connection with a multimedia educational room, where the visitors are offered teas and spices made of the region’s herbs.
© Tamás Bujnovszky
c.Tamás Bujnovszky

Between the gable roof, snow-white plastered building sections lies a retaining wall made of the region’s emblematic building material, the red sandstone, which also hides the utility rooms. When designing the building complex fusioning well with nature, the architect paid extra attention on sustainability. The solar panels installed on the roofs assure the complex’s whole power supply, the terraces oriented to the south got shed roof shading structures.
© Tamás Bujnovszky
c.Tamás Bujnovszky

The complex dominated by the definitive white plastered facade, enriched by red sandstone sections on the lower tracts has a pleasant general impression and prevails well beneath the old school-building and the reformed church and creates a fine connection between the herbs growing on the site and the surrounding scenery of the Balaton Uplands.

Architects MODUM
Location Zánka, Hungary
Category Visitor Center
Architect in Charge András Krizsán
Project Year 2014
Photographs Tamás Bujnovszky