TBZ Cologne SSP SchürmannSpannel
2015-10-07 02:00
架构师提供的文本描述。这座高科技建筑为Handwerkskammer ZuK ln培训中心提供了一个新的、自信的城市发展起点。新大楼的位置加强了培训中心的主要通道,而在餐厅前面的一个新的、隔音的户外区域为活动和练习提供了一个封闭的空间。
Text description provided by the architects. This high-tech building forms a new, assertive urban development starting point for the Handwerkskammer zu Köln training centre. The new building‘s positioning enhances the training centre’s main access, while a new, sound-insulated outdoor area in front of its canteen provides an enclosed space for activities and practice.
The main idea behind the building’s design is to promote communication within the building and between the building and outdoor space in the context of a knowledge exchange. This has been achieved by arranging a communicative forum as a spatially connecting element between the ground and first floors and by the centre’s highly transparent facade.
© Jörg Hempel Photodesign
TBZ立面以一种创新的方式将交流论坛的各个方面与新建筑的高技术标准结合起来。超大的,从地板到天花板的窗户提供最大的透明度,并促进跨学科的知识共享,故意刺激内外视觉交流。光线偏转“K ster RETROLux”(计算机控制的)百叶窗在其(三层玻璃)窗玻璃之间的空间提供了保护免受直接阳光和眩光在夏季,而不妨碍意见(进进出出)。
The TBZ facade combines aspects of a communicative forum with the new building’s high technical standards in an innovative way. Oversized, floor-to-ceiling windows offer maximum transparency and promote interdisciplinary knowledge sharing by deliberately stimulating visual communication between inside and out. Light deflecting “Köster RETROLux” (computer controlled) louvers in the space between its (triple glazed) window panes provide protection from direct sunlight and glare in summer without impeding views (in and out).
© Jörg Hempel Photodesign
由于真空隔热和其他最先进的技术,该建筑很容易超过德国节能条例(ENEV 2009)设定的隔热标准高达55%。一个智能的,水平屋顶舱口,类似于汽车天窗,提供了不寻常的高质量进入建筑物的屋顶。今后,商会学员将学习如何使用培训装置进行创新太阳能发电系统的工作。
Thanks to vacuum insulation and other state-of-the-art technologies, the building easily surpasses the thermal insulation standards set in the German Energy Saving Ordinance (EnEV 2009) by up to 55%. An intelligent, horizontal roof hatch, similar to car sunroof, provides unusually high quality access to the building’s roof. In future, Chamber trainees will to learn how to work on innovative solar power systems using training installations.
Architects SSP SchürmannSpannel
Location Hugo-Eckener-Straße 16, 50829 Köln, Germany
Category Institutional Buildings
Project Team SSP Thomas Schmidt, Heiner Blum, Marius, Scheffer, Marcel Behrens, Markus Fleißgarten, Christoph Nowakowski, Giuseppe Battaglia
Photographs Jörg Hempel Photodesign, Robert Mehl