La Línea Borrosa Proposes a Shared Space at the US
2015-08-23 09:30
这些条件不太理想,导致加州圣路易斯奥比斯波分校(Cal PolySan Luis Obispo)的学士学生帕特里克·考德尔(Patrick Cordelle)设计了“拉里内亚·博罗萨(La LíneaBorrosa)”(The Blured Line),这是一个综合的人行横道,为蒂华纳
These less-than-ideal conditions led Patrick Cordelle, a bachelor's student at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo to design "La Línea Borrosa" (The Blurred Line), a combined pedestrian border crossing and shared national recreation space for the Tijuana-San D
Overhead view. Image Courtesy of Patrick Cordelle
Cordelle's project was inspired by the point where the border fence meets the ocean and, less than 100 meters from the land, disappears under the water. As the strong line of the border meets the line of the shore, it is conceptually weakened, making an off-shore pier the perfect design for such a shared space.
The existing condition of the border at the coast, with the border fence disappearing sharply into the ocean. Image © Flickr CC User Tony Webster
海岸边界的现有状况,边界围栏急剧消失在海洋中。图片C Flickr CC用户托尼·韦伯斯特
Cordelle借鉴了最近其他娱乐码头的正式想法,如White Arkitekter AB公司的Kastup海洋浴池,设想了螺旋形设计,创造了一个明确和集中的娱乐空间,使自己从美国到北方,或从墨西哥到南方。在码头的周围是活动空间,被边界分隔的家庭可以预定见面和在一起的时间。
Taking formal ideas from other recent recreational piers such as White Arkitekter AB's Kastrup Sea Bath, Cordelle envisioned a spiral design, creating a defined and centralized recreational space which distinguishes itself from the United States to the North or Mexico to the South. Around the perimeter of the pier are event spaces which families separated by the border could book to meet and spend time together.
Interior perspective of the Spiral Pier. Image Courtesy of Patrick Cordelle
螺旋码头的圆形结构也与附近的蒂华纳广场纪念碑相呼应。蒂华纳广场是一座现有的2.1万座体育场,Cordelle在“美洲门户桥”(American Gateway Bridge)上增加了一个螺旋坡道。这座悬索桥是通往螺旋码头的三个入口之一。
The circular form of the Spiral Pier also echoes the nearby Plaza Monumental de Tijuana, an existing 21,000 seat stadium onto which Cordelle has added a spiral ramp to the "Americas Gateway Bridge," a suspension bridge which provides one of the three access points to the Spiral Pier.
Site plan. Image Courtesy of Patrick Cordelle
另一个接入点是由Cordelle设计的一条手推车线路提供的,用于沿边界、从海岸一直延伸到San Ysidro边界过境点以外。这辆手推车是Cordelle设计的一个更大的总体计划的一部分,目的是在美国和墨西哥之间建立一系列共享的设施和机构,包括一所大学、体育设施、一个图书馆、一个艺术和文化中心、一个市场和一个自然保护区,所有这些都与电车路线的脊柱相连。通往码头的最后一个接入点是由一座人行天桥提供的,该桥位于电车线路的末端。
Another access point is provided by a trolley line designed by Cordelle to run along the border, from the coast and extending beyond the San Ysidro border crossing. This trolley is part of a larger masterplan devised by Cordelle to create a series of shared amenities and institutions between the US and Mexico, including a university, sports facilities, a library, a center for arts and culture, a market, and a nature preserve, all connected by the spine of the trolley route. The final access point to the pier is provided by a pedestrian bridge running above the end of the trolley line.
Cross section. Image Courtesy of Patrick Cordelle
Finally, supported by the Western pylon of the Americas Gateway Bridge is a viewing platform, "giving visitors a new aerial perspective on the border region" in order to "provides the opportunity to reflect on current immigration policies and the people that it impac
Exploded diagram. Image Courtesy of Patrick Cordelle
Cordelle's vision is certainly an optimistic one; his design aims to break down the incredibly simple existing condition of the border - an impenetrable line - and blur it to create spaces which are functionally, conceptually, and even economically as complex as the effect which the border has on the people that live with it. Whether US-Mexican relations will ever be in a position to allow such a progressive ideal is, sadly, another question.
Detail of the Spiral Pier's outer skin. Image Courtesy of Patrick Cordelle
学生Patrick Cordelle Location TiWarner,下加利福尼亚,墨西哥类别码头学校,加州理工大学,San Luis Obispo Studio 400,凯伦·兰格项目教授2015年照片Flickr CC用户托尼·韦伯斯特
Student Patrick Cordelle Location Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico Category Pier School California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Studio Studio 400 Professor Karen Lange Project Year 2015 Photographs Flickr CC User Tony Webster