Chäserrugg, Toggenburg Herzog - de Meuron
2015-07-21 03:00
项目小组Michael Fischer(协理,项目主任),BergStation:Beatus Kopp,Hendrik Steinigeweg(项目经理),Konzeptstudie:SaloméGutscher(项目建筑师),Roman Aebi(讲习班),Michael B r(协理),Fredrik Bo Bojesen,Leif Buchmann,Yannick Claessens,Santiago ESpitia-Berndt,Alexander Franz,Alen Guberini,Justin Huh,Maria Krasteva,Victor Lefebvre(讲习班)、Severin Odermatt、Philipp Schaefle、Kaspar St be、Christoph Wassmann、Freya Winkelmann Construction Management Ghisleni、Rapperswil、瑞士HVAC Engineering Amstein Walthert、St.Gallen、瑞士结构工程Schnetzer Puskas Ingenieure、Pirmin Jung、 Sch llibaum Building物理学Zimmermann
Project Team Michael Fischer (Associate, Project Director), Bergstation: Beatus Kopp, Hendrik Steinigeweg (Project Managers) , Konzeptstudie: Salomé Gutscher (Project Architect), Roman Aebi (Workshop), Michael Bär (Associate), Frederik Bo Bojesen, Leif Buchmann, Yannick Claessens, Santiago Espitia-Berndt, Alexander Franz, Alen Guberinic, Justin Hui, Maria Krasteva, Victor Lefebvre (Workshop), Severin Odermatt, Philipp Schaefle, Kaspar Stöbe, Christoph Wassmann, Freya Winkelmann Construction Management Ghisleni, Rapperswil, Switzerland HVAC Engineering Amstein + Walthert, St. Gallen, Switzerland Structural Engineering Schnetzer Puskas Ingenieure, Pirmin Jung, Schällibaum Building Physics Zimmermann & Leuthe, Aetigkofen, Switzerland Catering Consultant Gastro-Fachplanungen Ruedi Menet, Walzenhausen, Switzerland Fire Protection Amstein + Walthert, St. Gallen, Switzerland Interior Consulting Rondelli Consulting, Zürich, Switzerland Client Representative Mélanie Eppenberger, President TBB AG Manufacturers Loading... More Specs Less Specs
© Katalin Deér
(C)Katalin Deé

架构师提供的文本描述。位于7420英尺的Ch serugg是构成丘尔菲斯滕地块的七座山中最东端的山峰。它从托根堡向北缓缓上升,在南面成为一座陡峭的悬崖,下落近6250英尺(约合6250英尺)到瓦伦西湖。由Hinterrugg,Rosenboden和Ch serrugg形成的高原与陡峭的悬崖形成了鲜明的对比。在这令人印象深刻的地形背后,阿尔卑斯山的背景一直延伸到地平线。该地区自1972年起通过Unterwasser-Iltios-Ch serrugg电缆车进入,从苏黎世和圣加仑不到一个小时即可到达。
Text description provided by the architects. The Chäserugg at 7420 feet is the easternmost peak of the seven mountains that make up the Churfirsten Massif. It rises up gently from the Toggenburg to the north and becomes a steep cliff to the south, plummeting almost 6250 ft down to the Lake of Walensee. The high flat plateau formed by the Hinterrugg, Rosenboden and Chäserrugg stands in great contrast to the steep, precipitous walls of the cliff. Behind this impressive topography, the backdrop of the Alps stretches all the way to the horizon. The region has been accessible since 1972 via the Unterwasser-Iltios-Chäserrugg Cable Car and can be reached in less than an hour from Zurich and St.Gallen.
© Katalin Deér
(C)Katalin Deé

Ever since the cable car went into operation, the restaurant has been provisionally located in the housing originally built for the construction workers. Now it has been torn down to make room for a new restaurant. The station, a pragmatic steel structure on a concrete foundation typical of the 1970s, has remained and been clad in a different façade. The new mountain restaurant is placed perpendicular to the station, extending horizontally along the mountain panorama towards the south. A large roofed area connects the two structures and creates an outdoor arrival hall.
The new station Is constructed in solid wood on a concrete foundation. It was prefabricated by local craftspeople in the valley and assembled on top of the mountain in the course of a summer. The interior was completed the following winter. We decided to use wood because we wanted to echo local tradition. Equally important was a thoughtful exploitation of resources: except for the crane, which was transported by helicopter, all of the parts required for the building were transported by cable car in the course of its regular runs. The excavated earth was used to make the concrete and also as an ingredient of the gravel surfacing.
© Katalin Deér
(C)Katalin Deé

The restaurant is a long, flexible space, its atmosphere marked by the repetitive woodwork from locally sourced spruce trees. The low-hung roof resting on closely placed columns is the dominant element of the building with a covered terrace in front. Glazed on three sides, the restaurant offers spectacular views of the scenery. Niches with built-in benches and tables occupy the fourth side of the room. Each niche has its own window and thus its own framed view of the mountainscape.
Herzog & de Meuron, 2015

Architects Herzog & de Meuron
Location Unterwasser, 9657 Alt Saint Johann, Switzerland
Category Restaurant
Partners : Jacques Herzog, Pierre de Meuron, Christine Binswanger (Partner in Charge)
Area 26910.0 ft2
Project Year 2015
Photographs Katalin Deér
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