A Casa
2015-07-05 13:00
© Daniel Ducci
c.Daniel Ducci

架构师提供的文本描述。巴西文物博物馆是由Renata Mell o管理的这个非营利性组织的新总部。这座新工厂将作为文化的一种表现形式,为手工、半手工或工业品提供展览业。它专注于巴西的生产,以巴西境内和周边的一切为中心。重点可能扩大到其他国家,以便更好地了解巴西的情况,其兴趣不仅在于物体本身,而且还在于其设计、制造和消费的过程和背景,还对加强和促进文化产品社会化的文化中介网络感兴趣。
Text description provided by the architects. A Casa (The Home) – Museum of the Brazilian Object is a project designed as the new headquarters of this non-profit organization under the general management of Renata Mellão. The new facility will house the exhibition sector for artisanal, semi-artisanal or industrial objects as an expression of culture. It focuses on Brazilian production, centering on everything in and about Brazil. The focus may extend to other countries in terms of achieving a greater understanding of the Brazilian situation. The interest is not solely in the objects themselves, but also in the process and context in which they were designed, made and consumed. There is also interest in the network of cultural mediations that strengthen and enable the socialization of cultural productions.
© Daniel Ducci
c.Daniel Ducci

这个新项目所选的一块土地位于阿韦尼达·佩德罗索·德莫拉埃斯市的一个黄金地段,靠近托米·奥赫斯研究所。然而,这片土地对项目组来说是一个重大的挑战;它位于一个拐角处,将皮涅罗斯居民区与一个已建立的商业区连接起来。此外,它的边界与一个梯形建筑非常相似,一边是联排别墅,旁边是该机构的行政部门,另一边是一个小公共广场,两条相邻的道路汇合在一起。市政厅授权建筑师将这片空地纳入博物馆设计,消除两者之间的任何障碍,并允许持续过渡。仿佛其中一个是另一个的延伸。为了实现这一点,园林设计师伊莎贝尔·杜普拉特(Isabel Duprat)使用了一系列的资源和解决方案来提升这一区域,其中之一突出了该地区的富丽堂皇的树木。穿过广场的通道是沿着连接博物馆入口处拐角处的一系列顺序通道。而侧门是通过面对繁忙道路的楼梯。
The piece of land selected to house this new project is in a prime location in the city on Avenida Pedroso de Moraes, near the Tomie Ohtake Institute. However, the land presented a significant challenge for the project team; located on a corner, it connects the residential area of the Pinheiros neighborhood to an established commercial zone. In addition, its borders closely resemble a trapezoid, with one side bordering on a townhouse that will house the institution’s administration sector and the other a small public square, where two neighboring roads converge. City hall authorized the architects to incorporate this open area into the museum design, eliminating any type of obstruction between the two and allowing continuous transition, as if one were an extension of the other. To achieve this, landscaper Isabel Duprat used a series of resources and solutions to enhance the area, one of which gives prominence to the Flamboyant Tree on the site. Access via the square is through a series of sequential levels along the diagonal path that connects the corner to the museum’s entrance, while side access is via the staircase facing the busy road.
© Daniel Ducci
c.Daniel Ducci

At pedestrian level another of the project’s unique solution is evident: the V-shaped concrete edge beam on the first floor, with the crack facing the outside of the building. These beams mark the beginning of the main entry point to the museum as benches and continue to the end of the building providing support for the swiveling metal frames with horizontal ceramic slats. However, these panels are only movable close to the main entry of the exhibition gallery, thus improving the circulation of air and light in the area. The other panels are fixed since they are responsible for sealing the exhibition room and are only opened to maintain the installations that run through the core of the facade. The insufflation system of the air condition via vertical towers, with outlets located on the small mezzanine level, optimize the museum ceiling, which therefore consists of a solid cement slab.
© Daniel Ducci
c.Daniel Ducci

在博物馆的内部,建筑师们设计了一个可伸缩的钢楼梯,将展台连接到较低的楼层,既可以作为展览品的延伸,也可以用于活动。下面的楼层也可以通过位于Avenida Pedroso de Moraes的入口独立进入并独立工作。
In the museum’s interior the architects designed a retractable steel staircase that connects the exhibition floor to the lower floor, which can be both an extension of the exhibits and used for events. The lower floor can also be accessed and function independently through an entrance located on Avenida Pedroso de Moraes.
Floor Plan

Architects RoccoVidal Perkins+Will
Location Avenida Pedroso de Morais, 1216 - Pinheiros, São Paulo - SP, Brasil
Category Exhibition Center
Project Area 1100 sqm
Project Year 2014
Photographs Daniel Ducci