Best Room Pavilion EAST + Aff Architekten
2015-06-17 02:00
© Sebastian F. Lippok
(C)Sebastian F.Lippok

“我们的日常生活是一个充满房间的世界。在这些房间里有空间,在那个空间里生活着生命。“来自Emmett Scanlon(2008)的“房间的风景”
“Our everyday world is a world of rooms. In those rooms is space and in that space lives life.” from ‘A view with a room’ by Emmett Scanlon (2008)
© Sebastian F. Lippok
(C)Sebastian F.Lippok

最好的房间是Anja教授和Martin Fr hlich教授在EPFL实验室(基础建筑和类型研究)的学生在EPFL进行的本科生研究的结果。最好的房间是他们第一个建立的答案:是什么使房间成为“最好的房间”?这个问题成了最佳房间项目的座右铭和指导原则。
The Best Room is the outcome of undergraduate research at the EPFL by students at the laboratory of EAST (Elementary Architecture and Studies of Types) of Professors Anja and Martin Fröhlich. The Best Room is their first built answer to the question: What makes a room 'the best room'? The question became a motto and a guiding principle for the Best Room project.

The purpose of this year’s proposal was to create a path through the infinite possibilities of an architectural project with a very precise goal, and to construct it at a 1:1 scale.
© Sebastian F. Lippok
(C)Sebastian F.Lippok

Through research, documentation and analysis, the students searched for 'the best room'. From case studies to paintings, from spaces to materials, examples were interpreted in order to better understand what defines the optimal room to live in. What makes a room more special than others in the endless art of making rooms? In the second stage, the EAST team organized an internal competition and the 36 proposals for the Best Room were submitted to a jury that awarded the best design. The project was then embraced by the undergraduate students and together they went through the misadventures of an architectural project.
© Sebastian F. Lippok
(C)Sebastian F.Lippok

Hundreds of drawings, models, mockups and thoughts were produced until each element reached the needed equilibrium in the ensemble. The project became the crossroad between space, construction and atmosphere. External variants, like building costs, administrative procedures, local legislation (and even bad weather) played a role, but the best of each constraint was taken on with enthusiasm.
© Sebastian F. Lippok
(C)Sebastian F.Lippok

With a budget of 4,000 Swiss francs and precious help from patrons, only 5 weeks were needed to give form to the project. The Best Room was inaugurated at the end of May and is now open to the public until the 3rd of July. For this month, it is not only EAST’s Best Room, it is a temporary cultural heart of the EPFL campus.

Architects EAST, Aff Architekten
Location Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne, Route de la Sorge, 1024 Ecublens, Switzerland
Category Pavillion
Design Team Baldy Candice, Béguin Antoine, Biétry Marlon, Bodevin Victoria, Caspary Félix, Chareton Gabriel, Claessens Yannick, Darbellay Léo, Di Rosa Sophie, Disner Gabriel, El Hayek Christopher, Evequoz Marc, Farra Sami, Gauchoux Léa, Jancu Juliette, Jenny Charles, Joly-Pottuz Chloé, Kadrijaj Gentian, Karpushov Alexander, Legrain Théophile, Liebiech Alexendra, Maloukotsi Afroditi, Pequignot Laure,, Rausis Justine, Rey Valentin, Reymond Marc, Richner David, Ruiz Margaux, Stierli Diane, Stoll Laura, Thiébaud Romain, Vertesi Marc, Vexina Wilkinson Teo, Worreth Kilian, Wyssbrod Marine, Ziörjen Ursina
Project Year 2015
Photographs Sebastian F. Lippok