House for Brother ATELIER 111
2015-04-02 16:00
Text description provided by the architects. The house stands on the edge of the street and solitary buildings, therefore the threshold of old and new in the town of Pacov. Its mass nods the street, extends the street, and terminates it. The building becomes the last, if not the first in the row, of unmistakable individuality.
Its unusual shape is based on the irregular layout of the plot, orientation to the cardinal points, and particularly it is based on the limited size of the plot contrasting with the extensive building program. The house is accessed directly from the street. The main living area - dining room with kitchen on the ground floor and elevated living room accessible by six stairs – is opened into the garden through the large French windows.
Windows are hidden from the street by a fence wall. The second and the third floors are occupied by bedrooms and children's rooms. Under the living room there is about a half floor down the floor with technical facilities, including a pantry and a cellar. These spaces can be accessed either from the outside or directly from the kitchen unit by a one-armed staircase.
The garage located on the very edge of the opposite side of the property allows parking up to three vehicles. Still nothing detracts from the garden. The grass roof moving in the sloping garden creates a unique organization towards the house - an artificial mound. This mound becomes a central element of the exterior, the green base for distant roofs of neighboring houses; a place where children like to play.
“工作地点还活着。Verča和David正在四处跑来跑去。他们正在享受自然的混乱,直到它成为可能。因为这样架构师就可以控制。他在未来花园的尽头为两辆汽车建造了一个避难所,并在一半以上的土地上铺设了一条车道。在其他方面,他创造了一个人工视觉景观,并隐藏在墙后的花园。一年后,花园开始生长了。Verča和David正在这座由15辆塔特拉汽车堆放的土堆上奔跑。他们在滑雪橇。他们不知道他们下面停着三辆车。汽车修理厂被钻进了小山,小山被切成了地产线,所以小山还没有达到顶峰。亲爱的父母们正躺在山谷里,桌上放着一瓶威士忌,回忆着艰难的时光。当在儿童和他们的所有游客的帮助下,人工分层的土壤越来越高。因此,现在他们可以走出受保护的隐居,到山上去看看世界上发生了什么。“(Zdeněk Marek花园的作者)
"The worksite lives. Verča and David are running around. They are enjoying the natural chaos until it is possible. Because then the architect takes the control. He projects a shelter for two cars at the end of the future garden and over half of the land he stretches a driveway. On the rest, he creates an artificial visual landscape and hides the garden behind the walls. One year later: The garden is living. Verča and David are running on the mound, which was piled up by 15 Tatra vehicles. They are sledging. They do not have a clue that there are three cars parked below them. The garage is drilled into the hill, which is cut in the property line so the hill has not reached its peak. Beloved parents are resting down in the valley with a bottle of whiskey on the table and are remembering the hard times. When with the help of children and all their visitors manually stratified soil higher and higher. So now they can get out of the protected seclusion onto the hill and see what is happening in the world. "(Author of the garden Zdeněk Marek)
Location Pacov, Czech Republic
Architects in Charge Smetana, Weinzettl, Marek - garden