Yotoco Music School Espacio Colectivo Arquitectos
2015-03-25 14:00
Text description provided by the architects. BACKGROUND
在Espacio colectivo ArquArchtos赢得哥伦比亚文化部组织的“音乐学校”原型设计竞赛后,需要制作第二个原型,以适应小得多的地方,并在全国不同的市镇扩大覆盖范围。
After ESPACIO COLECTIVO ARQUITECTOS won the design competition for the "music school" prototype organized by the Ministry of Culture of Colombia, arises the need to generate a second prototype that adapts to much smaller places, and to have greater coverage in the different municipalities of th
This is how a "prototype 2" is proposed, which arises from a variation of the initial prototype, without losing the conceptual approach to the project. This variation consists of replacing the patio with the auditorium and adjusting the perimeter modules to the m
PROPOSAL We propose an elementary system easily adaptable to any topography and climate, the materials chosen are easily adapted to the environment of the municipalities which generates a comprehensive solution with easy construction. It also proposes a powerful corporate image. The organizational scheme proposes a compact closed volume, where the auditorium is located and its adjacent areas surround the perimeter, generating a dynamic circulation between the auditorium and the different spaces. The spatial variation of each element in sequence leaves a feeling of movement evoking the use of the building.
SEQUENCE The building is space itself, a tangible yet ethereal element, that is discovered through movement, cracks, insulation, and changing volumes that symbolize the difference and variety of our culture, that revolve around a common space that represents stability in the unstable and changeable. The building is movement and succession. Its image embodies the continuous and discontinuous times in music, prolonged walls, incessant, fragmented intervals. This isolation between changing volumes are breaks that respond to techincal requirements of soundproofing techniques and are places for visual enjoyment. The gap between the volumes is the immediate landscape where the private space of teaching, learning and practice is submerged with the guarantee of finding appropriate levels of lighting, visual and acoustic comfort.
URBAN This facility open to the community is an urban pause of great symbolic value that provides a place of encounter and exchange. It is a public, transparent and permeable building that permits a visual and in person tour. From its spatial conformation it allows interaction with the community, from its scale it allows to be inserted in a variety of contexts and from its shape develops a powerful image as institutional building which guarantees its presence in the collective memory.
MATERIAL A democratic pursuit of materials concludes that concrete and brick are easily accessible construction traditions and with a workforce that is present within the context. It allows high sustainability standards for its duration in time, ensures a stable structure in terms of earthquake and flood resistance and can provide a place of community protection or disaster shelter.
Architects Espacio Colectivo Arquitectos
Location Yotoco, Valle del Cauca, Colombia
Project Architects Aldo Marcelo Hurtado, Carlos Hernan Betancourt
Photographs Santiago Robayo