2015-03-22 10:00
Text description provided by the architects. The new regional visitor and wine center in Kirchberg am Wagram, Lower Austria, comprises about 550 square metres floor space on two levels. The main structure of the building is made of reinforced concrete with additional steel columns behind the glass façade. A large underground space makes the building appear smaller than it actually is. The visible building part with its green-grey fibre-cement façade sits on top of the steep sloping site and the subsequent modelling of the topography blends the building smoothly into the surrounding landscape. Only a glass-box stands out considerably between the trees and is clearly visible as a landmark.
© Matthias Raiger

这座建筑物位于陡峭的斜坡上,实际上是一项技术优势。地下空间在夏季保持凉爽,减少对空调的需求。利用地热能,整个建筑达到低能耗标准。 ,整个建筑设计为无障碍。第一层的品尝室以及地下室的车间和储藏室可以通过坡道到达,两层都设有残疾人洗手间。
The location of the building on a steep slope has actually proved to be a technical advantage. The underground spaces stay cool in summer and reduce the need for air conditioning. By using geothermal energy the whole building reaches low energy standard. The complete building is designed to be barrier-free accessible. The tasting room in the first level as well as the workshop and storage rooms in the basement can be reached by ramps and restrooms for handicapped persons are provided on both floors.
Ground Floor Plan

“The area around the Wagram is both scenically and topographically unrivalled. For us, it was obvious from the very first sight that we wanted to transmit the formative terrain edge in this project. The square-edged glass box balancing on the porous, gritty loess... that is a fascinating contrast.” gerner°gerner plus
© Matthias Raiger

Architects gerner°gerner plus
Location Lower Austria, Austria
Category Winery
Design Team Matthias Raiger, Peter Blasl, Laurenz Vogel, Oliver Gerner, Christian Münster
Area 550.0 sqm
Project Year 2009
Photographs Matthias Raiger