2014-12-24 01:00
© Rémy Schejbal
C.Rémy Schejbal

架构师提供的文本描述。作为Monte-Carlo Sociétédes Bain de Mer策划的Place du Casino的主要城市开发项目的一部分,巴黎的H tel de Paris(1864年)正在修复,艺术装饰运动(1931年)将于2018年被替换为三栋建筑,其中包括商店、高档住宅、办公室以及娱乐和文化空间。
Text description provided by the architects. As part of the major urban development project of the Place du Casino, orchestrated by Monte-Carlo Société des Bains de Mer, the Hôtel de Paris (1864) is being restored and the art deco Sporting d’Hiver (1931) will be replaced, in 2018, with three buildings, combining shops, upscale residences, offices and spaces for recreation and culture.

The realization of this project, in the heart of Monte Carlo, aims, among other things, to upgrade the site currently occupied by the Sporting d’Hiver, so that this exceptional site may retrieve its historic role in the economic, social and cultural development of the city.
© Rémy Schejbal
C.Rémy Schejbal

为此目的,蒙特卡洛律师事务所希望在2013年6月开始的施工期内将其中的豪华精品店临时迁往Boulingrins Jardins。该项目纳入了对环境的尊重,并确保了该地区遗产植物区系的可持续性。
For this purpose, Monte-Carlo Société des Bains de Mer wished to temporarily relocate the luxury boutiques therein to within the Jardins des Boulingrins for the duration of the construction period, which began in June 2013. This project integrates a respect for the environment and ensures the sustainability of the heritage flora of the area.
Elevation 3
抬高术 3

因此,建筑师理查德·马蒂尼特(Richard Martinet)设计了五座临时建筑展馆,可容纳20家精品店-位于德拉科斯塔大道和赌场广场之间。
Thus the architect, Richard Martinet, has designed five pavilions of ephemeral architecture, capable of accommodating twenty boutiques - an ensemble located between the avenue de la Costa and the Place du Casino.
© Laurent Rouvrais

The five pavilions of different sizes, ranging from 220 to 600 square metres each, reaching a maximum of 10 metres in height, will house, within the total surface of 2700m2, the boutiques during the 4 years of construction. The structure of these round forms, cloaked in a faceted shell of white aluminium panels, consists of demountable cells.
Section JJ

在建造这些模块的时候,Jardins des Boulingrins的一些现存的树木必须被移动。在他们最终返回花园之前,这些受试者在托儿所被移植和照料。
At the time of construction of these modules, some of the existing trees in the Jardins des Boulingrins had to be moved. These subjects were transplanted and cared for in nurseries, before their definitive return to the garden.
© Rémy Schejbal
C.Rémy Schejbal

These boutiques foreshadow the future ensemble which will renew the quarter into a place of animation and conviviality, exemplary in terms of green urbanism and sustainable development.

由建筑师理查德马蒂内设计的代理仿射设计,五帕维龙蒙特卡罗豪宅21在摩纳哥中心的豪华精品店。应Monte-Carlo Sociétédes Bain de Mer的要求,Jardins des Boulingrins的主要开发人员和所有者Richard Martinet根据短暂建筑的原则设计了这些可拆解的模块。
Designed by architect Richard Martinet at the head of the agency affine design, the five Pavillons Monte-Carlo house twenty-one luxury boutiques in the centre of Monaco. At the request of the Monte-Carlo Société des Bains de Mer, master developer and owner of the Jardins des Boulingrins, Richard Martinet has designed these demountable modules on the principle of ephemeral Architecture.





Architects Affine Design
Location Monte Carlo, Monaco, Monaco
Category Temporary Stores
Area 2700.0 sqm
Project Year 2014
Photographs Rémy Schejbal , Laurent Rouvrais