In Progress Stadskantoor OMA
2014-10-26 01:00
Set to be delivered in mid-2015, OMA's Stadskantoor is nearing completion. Designed as a modular structure, the building takes form through cellular units rising in two amorphous peaks away from the street. The uncommon configuration seeks to provide a flexible new mixed-use building for Rotterdam's City Hall.
REM Koolhaas说:“现在需要的可能是在过度使用形式中的微妙和模棱两可。我们提出了一个“无格式”堆,它由较小的元素组成,这些元素的形状可以执行许多重要和次要的任务。在必要的情况下,它的形状可以是正式的、令人印象深刻的,几乎是对称的-例如,从“酷尔辛埃尔”(Coolsingel)那里,在两名幸存者之间瞥见-在必要的情况下,它可以是微妙的和包容的-例如,它与现有的纪念碑-Stadstim
Rem Koolhaas states, "What is now needed may be subtlety and ambiguity in the midst of an overdose of form. We propose a 'formless' heap, consisting of smaller elements that are shaped to perform a number of major and minor responsibilities. Where necessary, the shape can be formal and impressive, almost symmetrical - for instance, from the Coolsingel, glimpsed between the two survivors - and where desired, it can be delicate and accommodating - for instance in its relationship with the existing monument, Stadstimmerhuis."
In 2009, OMA won first prize for the competition to design Rotterdam's Stadskantoor, which will be composed of municipal services, offices, and residential units. Responding to a dense urban context, the building is designed to evolve and adapt to changing demands over time. The modular structural system can be constructed efficiently and allows programmatic versatility as units can be added or removed when necessary. Thus, the units easily transform between office space and residential quarters. Upper level terraces allow for gardens and greenery in the midst of downtown Rotterdam.
The units are stacked to recede horizontally as the building rises vertically, providing generous open space at the street level. Modules shade interstitial area in order to engage passersby and facilitate interaction between building and city.
The project is required to be the most sustainable building in the Netherlands. Two large atriums connected to a climate system work towards achieving this goal. Functioning as the building's lungs, the atrium climate system stores warm air in summer and cold air in winter, releasing the energy as desired. Hi-tech translucent insulation in the glass facade allows for energy efficiency.
The building aims to mediate between existing structures through its ambiguous form. The street between town hall and the post office aligns with Stadskantoor's axis of symmetry and extends between the two buildings into a passageway to the Haagseveer. Stadskantoor reflects the scale of the neighboring Stadtimmerhuis by paralleling the same floor heights, and maintaining a plinth height of 20 meters to accommodate the aesthetic of the surrounding Laurenskwartier.
REM Koolhaas补充道:“我们的结构体系-一种钢制的三维空腹结构-使我们能够即兴发挥,几乎把地面完全解放出来,把‘Stadswinkel’解释为一个不受约束的公共空间,在这个空间里,我们把市民和城市之间的互动安排在一个有尊严、宽敞的城市景观中,具有几乎”罗马式“的规模和重要性。”
Rem Koolhaas adds, "Our structural system - a three dimensional Vierendeel structure in steel - enables us to improvise and to liberate the ground almost in its entirety, to interpret the 'Stadswinkel' as an unencumbered public space, in which we arrange the interaction between citizen and city in a dignified, spacious urban landscape, with an almost 'Roman' scale and materiality."
Location Meent 119, 3011 JH Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Category Office Buildings
Partners In Charge Rem Koolhaas, Reinier de Graaf
Project Team Philippe Braun, Clarisa Garcia Fresco, Maaike Hawinkels, Andrew Linn, Takeshi Murakuni, Peter Rieff, Tom Tang, Sakine Dicle Uzanyayla, Mark Veldman
Interior Team Saskia Simon, Andrea Giannotti, Ross O'Connell, Mafalda Rangel, Lucia Zamponi, Grisha Zotov
Photographs Ossip van Duivenbode