Kwel Ka Baung School a.gor.a Architects
2014-10-21 01:00
架构师提供的文本描述。在Mae Pa(泰国北部Mae Sot)的石灰绿景观中,就在一个圆形池塘及其莲花旁,Kwel Ka Baung学校的第二阶段建设将于2013年10月至2014年3月进行。该项目旨在为与家人一起从邻近的克伦邦抵达的流离失所儿童提供教育,这是最近泰缅边境发生内战的情景。
Text description provided by the architects. In the lime-green landscape of Mae Pa (Mae Sot, Northern Thailand), right by a round pond and its lotus flowers, the second construction phase of Kwel Ka Baung school is taking place during October 2013 till March 2014. The project aims to provide education to displaced children who arrived with their families from the neighbouring Karen state, recent scenario of a civil conflict, across the Thai-Burma border.
Courtesy of Agora Architects
然而,不仅学生将在Kwel Ka Baung学习,而且所有参与这两个阶段建设过程的人都会学习。卡伦的几个工人正在完善他们在土坯制作方面的技能,同时为阿格拉建筑师所进行的设计做出贡献。该项目旨在向社区展示一种可行的方式,在不影响空间质量的情况下追求负担得起的建筑,并保持与景观的紧密联系。
However not only students will learn at Kwel Ka Baung, but also all people involved in the two phases construction process. Several Karen workers are refining their skills in adobe making while contributing to the design carried through by agora architects. The program aims to show the community a feasible way to pursue affordable architecture without compromising spatial quality and still mantaining a strong connection to the landscape.
上一个阶段-我开始于2012年3月加拿大机构CASIRA联系我们,要求我们找到一个他们可以参与并能够筹集资金的项目。在收取了25000美元后,卡西拉的十名成员前往泰国参加为期四周的讲习班。在2013年11月期间,同样的CASIRA团体-El Groupo-将或多或少地返回Mae Sot,以帮助学校建筑群的完工。
The previous phase-I started when the Canadian organisation CASIRA contacted us in March 2012 with the request to find a project in which they could get involved and for which they were able to fundraise money. After collecting an amount of 25000$, ten members of Casira travelled to Thailand to participate to a four weeks workshop. During November 2013 more or less the same CASIRA group -El Groupo- will be back in Mae Sot, to help with the completion of the school complex.
Courtesy of Agora Architects
Due to its location on the Thai Burma border, Mae Sot has a noticeable community of burmese immigrants, who came mostly from the nearby Karen state during the civil conflict and who still cross daily the Thai checkpoints. Burmese refugees are often victims of human traffic and labour exploitation, since their illegal condition doesn't ensure them any right.
材料和人力的负担能力,以及城市法规的严重缺乏,使建筑部门在最近几年有了很大的增长。因此,混凝土的大量使用强烈地影响了梅索特及其周围的肥沃景观。Kwel Ka Baung教育项目将努力保持流动儿童教育道路的连续性,从明年春天开始,开展教学活动。
The affordability of materials and human labour, as well as the huge lack of urban regulations, allowed the building sector to grow significantly during the recent years. As a result, the wild use of concrete strongly affect the fertile landscape of Mae Sot and its surroundings. Kwel Ka Baung schooling project will try to keep a continuity in the educational path of the migrant children, starting from the next spring with the teaching activities.
Courtesy of Agora Architects
Kwel Ka Baung是唯一一个纯凯伦移民学习中心。目前,这所学校位于一片土地上,其租约将于2014年5月到期。学校暂时教授一至十三年级以及幼儿园和托儿所,而200名儿童则永久地住在校舍内的寄宿学校。这些食物是由当地组织提供的。
Kwel Ka Baung is the only purely Karen Migrant learning Center in Mae Sot. Currently the school is located on a land whose lease is bound to expire in May 2014. Momentarily the school teaches grades 1 to 13 as well as Kindergarten and Nursery, while 200 kids stay permanently in boarding houses on the school premises. The food is provided by local organisations.
Courtesy of Agora Architects
Both classrooms and dining facilities are made of earth, in the form of adobe bricks. Beyond the cost-effectiveness, adobe has the advantage of being already on site, as a part of ural landscape of Mae Sot. Although it's not a traditional building material for Thailand, adobe perfectly meets the challenges of a tropical climate: indoors are kept cool through the day and just little mantainance is required after the rainy season. The adobe bricks are formed on site by the karen team, helped by the local community and by the canadian volunteering group Casira. The tin roof is supported by second hand timber trusses, cantilevering on to a sinous path. Enclosures are made of bamboo sticks and eucaliptus branches, combined in different patterns and painted in bright sharp colours.
Courtesy of Agora Architects
Mae Sot has a tropical savanna climate. Winters are dry and very warm. Temperatures rise until April, which is extremely hot and reaches the average daily maximum of 36.6 °C (97.9 °F). The monsoon season runs from May up to October, with heavy rains and somewhat cooler temperatures during the day. During the rainy season temperatures don't drop down in the night but are rather stable. The new building open up northward, towards a wide courtyard and the southern side will be sheltered by tall trees and thick bushes.
Courtesy of Agora Architects
The air circulation is fostered by long and narrow windows pacing the adobe walls and broad apertures along the path. The wall thickness and its composition implies a great thermal inertia, therefore we expect the whole complex to stand the temperature climax through the day and to slowly release the accumulated heath during the night. The roofs slope down towards the rear of the complex: a water collection system will be potentially installed in proximity of the kitchen.
Courtesy of Agora Architects
Architects a.gor.a Architects
Location Mae Sot, Mae Sot District, Tak 63110, Thailand